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The one who no longer works there? And how do you think they would build and manage a development team without executives?

>The one who no longer works there?

As far as I know, Mitchell Baker is still Mozilla's CEO. And even if she resigned, maintaining her salary would have been at odds with keeping many employees from being fired.

>>I criticize unreasonably high salaries on a nonprofit organization that just laid off almost three hundred people

>"you are saying that they can build and manage a development team without executives"

If you want to engage in a discussion or a debate, at least be honest about it.

Mitchell Baker began as CEO in December, after the resignation of Chris Beard. Was permanently appointed CEO in April. Her salary for the position has not been released

Mozilla is a nonprofit, not a charity. Their executives already receive less than market rate for similar companies, by some accounts far less. They can't offer nothing.

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