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There's a Twitter App for Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/nn-NO/firefox/addon/nitter-redire... that makes it possible to view several 160 char messages at the same time. Computers are so fast these days it is amazing.

The fact that you need to install a browser extension or use some other tool to view tweets in this manner is a big indicator that something is either wrong with Twitter for these kinds of posts or these kinds of posts are better served elsewhere.

It’s akin to writing a novel on post-its.

Someone -- it may have been OP actually -- has said that his ADHD makes it impossible for him to focus long enough to write and publish a blog post for things like this, but Twitter is low-commitment, low-attention enough that he can get it done.

I really hate Twitter for this kind of content as well, but I'd rather have it there then not have it at all.

Time to buy eightbaud.com and make the twitter competitor everyone has been subconsciously asking for.

Our corporate slogan: "Changing the world; one ASCII character at a time"

Minor nit - Twitter messages are up to 280 characters now.


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