A subreddit where users post positive or probably positive pregnancy tests.
Pregnancy tests generally measure hCG concentration in urine, early in the pregnancy concentrations are low and the test line will be very faint if visible at all. It's only later on in the pregnancy when the line will become more visible.
Pregnancy also involves a lot of emotion, hope & fear, in combination it's not that surprising that a portion of people misread pregnancy tests.
Even worse, sometimes the reaction is so strong that there is a "dye stealer" effect, where the test line steals the ink from the control line. See for example here: https://i.redd.it/skdynwwi6ll51.jpg (Notice how the line is on the "wrong" side)
It eliminates a wide variety of sources of error, including user ignorance but also possible issues with colorblindness, poor lighting conditions, or a positive result that's not as easy to discern with the naked eye.
Essentially - it's easy to mis-read the paper tests and there's a small portion of users who may decided to use an electronic device as a double-check for the standard paper test especially if they've been mis-led in the past.