While waiting for the peak to pass on uncomfortably high doses, I sometimes entertain myself by closing my eyes and realizing I have no sense of how much time is passing until I open them. And if I hadn't the prior experience of closing my eyes while sober (and simply the ability to rationalize about how long things take), I wouldn't actually know if seconds or hours or eons were passing with the eyes shut.
One thing that makes me skeptical of most people talking about LSD on forums is that for you to really lose your shit on LSD (excusing mental illness), you have to take enough to lose your ability to do that sort of thinking and rationalizing. You aren't having a laugh with your friends on a monster dose while listening to Spiritualized. You're more like a newborn animal clutching on to a world you were just born into, the dose regressing you back into a sequence of instincts away from high level human thought.
One thing that makes me skeptical of most people talking about LSD on forums is that for you to really lose your shit on LSD (excusing mental illness), you have to take enough to lose your ability to do that sort of thinking and rationalizing. You aren't having a laugh with your friends on a monster dose while listening to Spiritualized. You're more like a newborn animal clutching on to a world you were just born into, the dose regressing you back into a sequence of instincts away from high level human thought.