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Yes, I have tried it. Only micro-doses.

It takes about an hour to kick in, and for me, lasts about 6-8 hours.

It feels like it silences any inner critic in me, so I am a lot more free thinking. I have used it several times to overcome getting stuck on a programming problem, but I have to write the solution down because I usually get too distracted while using it to be able to focus enough to implement. The problems it's good at are ones that require abstract thought - for example I was trying to come up with a data structure to accurately represent atomic 3D structures, and then also algorithms to query them and model how they interact, this is where it was most useful for me. I came out with 10ish pages of notes and drawings that were enough to allow "sober" me to code it out and test it.

Physically it makes me sweat a lot, but it's a very strange sweat - not like an exercise sweat - but the sweat feels very clean and pure and is odourless. I often shallow breathe and it suppresses my appetite, so I have to set reminders on my phone to eat, exercise and drink while I'm taking it.

Everything feels like it's clean and my visual resolution goes up a lot more, it's interesting for me to see how much of what we see is perceptual and not limited by the physics of our eye - I can see a lot more clearly and everything feels "cleaner"

I sometimes get visual effects, which I can only describe as absolutely beautiful and mind blowing. It's very hard to describe because I can control them to a certain extent and as a neurotic person I thought that the "loss of control" would freak me out, but it's not like that at all. Last time I used I saw the most beautiful honey-like flowing pattern in the wood grain of the door, which was continuously moving and just utterly beautiful. I also witnessed the curtains rotating (imagine a sine wave going up and down, the curtains looked like they were doing that) and also the pillows on the couch looked like they were breathing.

The bad side is that it stops me from sleeping, so the next day I'm usually a zombie until I can get a good night sleep the following night.

It's an amazing tool, and I love how creative it makes me as a senior programmer, but there's no way I'd do it every day or anything.

The first time you do it, you should definitly do it with someone experienced and in a safe place, where you have no other obligations for that day. If the feeling is getting too intense I find that a citrus drink seems to decrease the intensity (I have no idea if thats a placebo or not)

If anyone has any questions ask away

Sounds like you had a bit more than a micro-dose, but interesting way of applying these doses!

6-8 hours is not microdose territory. that's a half dose.

Ah thank you! I am very much experimenting at the moment, and don't really have anyone more experienced to talk to, so I wasn't sure what "high" / "medium " / "micro" was ....

Micro is usually in the 6-12 micrograms zone, it's so low thats it's barely noticeable at all, hence "micro".

The idea is to gain the positive effects of it without it making you high.

Around 10-20 is when people start noticing effects, being a small dose.

50, being half a dose, can feel very "muddy", as in, its kind of "half assed". You start to feel more high, but not as visual and enjoyable.

Normal dose would be the typical 100.

Although people's experiences of different dosages vary a lot. For some the sweetspot might be 70-100, for others it's 200-250.

Based on your description, it sounds like around half a dose, if you just sometimes get visual effects.

I've filed this away in my notes, thank you for the thorough response :)

Yep, i think you shouldn't get visuals from micro doses.

Interesting. Mind is often divided into two halves: the lower concrete mind that constructs specific thoughts with shapes and the upper abstract mind that sees ideas. From your story it sounds like LSD suppressed your lower mind, so you could see ideas better, while the lower mind was still functional enough to materialise these ideas into 10 pages of writing.

There is an interesting exercise for people with somewhat functional upper mind and I wonder what's going to happen if you try it in that LSD-elevated state. The exercise is just focused thinking about the relationship between sound and space. Before the exercise begins, the "trainee" needs to get a good understanding of the two concepts. First think about what the general idea of sound is: what really makes sound a sound? Then think of space as the spacetime in the GR theory: it's some kind of fundamental structure that obeys wave-like GR equations, so it naturally has all sorts of quantum-scale ripples and large gravity waves. Once you have a grip on the two concepts, the exercise begins: combine the two thoughts and stare at the "mix" with your mind.

For average folks this will produce no effect. But for those with somewhat working upper mind and well functioning lower mind, this produces one specific effect. I basically wonder if LSD allows you to skip a very long training process and enter the mode, at least temporarily, to make this exercise useful.

P.S. As to what that effect is, I'd say it doesn't matter. If it works, you'll see it. Turning on lights is a matter of flipping a switch, not the knowledge of electricity.

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