>Someday, all cars from a particular brand will be made to crash during rush hour.
This is also why it's always very, very wrong to compare potential faults of automated cars to humans as in "the automated car is X percent safer!", becuase it ignores the fact that mistakes in automated systems, at least as they are built now, are highly correlated.
If there is one bug in an ML system that is rolled out to an entire fleet that results in an unknown weather condition leading to fatal crashes you may create mass carnage.
Human driver errors are not correlated like this, which makes them much more robust as an ecosystem.
I think this is a good point, and largely agree. However, there are also correlations in driver behavior, like it being more dangerous driving on July 4 or New Year's Eve in America as so many people celebrate and drive drunk, increasing accident rates.
This is also why it's always very, very wrong to compare potential faults of automated cars to humans as in "the automated car is X percent safer!", becuase it ignores the fact that mistakes in automated systems, at least as they are built now, are highly correlated.
If there is one bug in an ML system that is rolled out to an entire fleet that results in an unknown weather condition leading to fatal crashes you may create mass carnage.
Human driver errors are not correlated like this, which makes them much more robust as an ecosystem.