I remember there was much talk in the local press around 25 years ago about how Kallax/LLA was to be the next big freight hub. It went as far as extending the runway to accommodate bigger planes (making it the longest runway in Sweden, if Wikipedia is to be believed). As far as I know, the freight boom failed to materialize, largely because Russia were not very keen on allowing flights through their airspace.
So we need a map projection that weighs distances by political resistance. :)
The LLA freight proposal was given by the teacher in the assignment, but I guess there is a real benefit. Isn't Anchorage preferred over Honolulu for most trans-pacific flights?
https://www.flightradar24.com/ makes it look like most flights are direct (too far south for ANC, too far north for HNL), but I couldn't quickly find any way to filter out cargo from pax.