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>t's a bit like calling someone a "chinaman."

The Talmud speaks of an Etrog "Hakushi" to describle a black Etrog (Jewish ritual fruit). Not necessarily one that comes from "Kush".

"Kushi" is not more a slur than "Black". That is to say it is NOT a slur, although it CAN be used in a negative fashion when used in a sentence in conjunction with stereotypes associated with the black community. It all depends on the context of what is said.

It is totally not resembling "chinaman" in the context of it being used for describing negative stereotypes associated with the term. Though it is also not like "englishman" which is usually used in connotation with positive stereotypes.

Yes, I am aware of the fact that some people are adamant that the word "kushi" is harmless and wonderful, and that black people shouldn't feel hurt when this word is used to disparage them.[1]


You're missing the point spectactularly. Words do not exist in groups of "These are always ok to say" and "Never say these", their meaning depends entirely on context. You should be aware of this considering the main derogatory term for African Americans and other black people is also used as a synonym for "brother" depending on the context it is said. If you're saying that Jewish people should phase out this word because some people use it in a negative way, that's a flawed argument, it's akin to saying we should ban anything that can be used a weapon - meaningless considering anything can be used as a weapon.

Rather than trying to convince people that certain words are always ok or not ok to use, you should give reasons for others to reconsider their usage of the word and prompt them to think of the context before using the word. Then you let them make the choice of when to use it.

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