I wonder if the comment was intended to be mainly about the newer mobile OSes. I don't think I'd have too much trouble finding a way to run 10-year-old Windows or Linux desktop apps, and it would be easier than running Mac apps from the 1990s, but I didn't even get the opportunity to save copies of the iOS binaries I used 10 years ago. Even if I did, I doubt I'd be able to do anything with them.
I have seen web apps that simply can't be deployed anymore because their ruby version includes a rubygems version so old it can't use TLS 1.2. Its probably a good thing and will force upgrades eventually but old web apps can't always be used.
I sure hope not. At my last gig we kept a suite of jQuery, Backbone, ko, and/or Angular1 apps happily chugging away with almost no extra support burden.
It goes over great with talented people who are tired of relearning the same things over and over again. The ones that need to "chug" every 2 years can go somewhere else.
Someone has to keep the legacy code running. But seriously though, talented people are attracted to career progression, exciting projects, and money. Those three things do not all coalesce on Angular1/jQuery apps anymore. It just does not happen.
If you’d never developed an app/system for more than a few years, I would be thinking of hiring you as a junior engineer.
If you were willingly involved with rewriting your app/system every few years in the latest trendy language or framework, I probably wouldn’t be thinking of hiring you.