I am always amazed that the US will get into the decimal points of invalid mail voting when the whole one-person-some-weighting-of-vote electoral college is staring them in the face. I guess the elephant in the room must be too large?
(To be fair, yes, getting the slave states on board a few centuries back required it. Legacy code probably wouldn't be there if it hadn't done something at one point.)
The Connecticut Compromise had to do with getting small states on board with the union, so their sovereignty wouldn't just be overpowered by population centers. I think you're thinking of the 3/5 compromise which doesn't have much to do with the electoral college vs direct voting. It's just plain partial-disenfranchisement of blacks.
(To be fair, yes, getting the slave states on board a few centuries back required it. Legacy code probably wouldn't be there if it hadn't done something at one point.)