What do you think about Sweden, then? They seem to be done with this with no lockdown and a small amount of death (accounting for old people who would have died this year anyway, statistically)
>What do you think you're accomplishing by posting easily debunked misinformation?
The data on Sweden is clear, they are down to near zero covid deaths per day in a country of over 10 million people. Can't see how that can be debunked.
And how are they significantly worse? They are living normal lives.
Also, if something is 'easily debunked' then just do it.
You're just picking who to compare Sweden to. There's no reason why we should only compare it to neighboring countries.
Sweden had no lockdown and did about as bad as worst performers many of which had a heavy lockdown. This is absolutely a significant piece of information. If we had a no lockdown country getting the absolute worst result perhaps we could settle the debate. Would UK or some of the other bad performers be worse off without a lockdown? We don't know. There is no example to point to.
If UK could have had no lockdown and replicated Sweden's result then the lockdown was a huge waste.
I'm not saying that you cannot compare it to Norway, nor am I necessarily saying that Sweden couldn't get a better result with a lockdown. But even if that were to be true it doesn't mean Sweden isn't an interesting data point casting doubt on the effectiveness of lockdowns in some countries.