Kinda shocked I have never heard of this before today. Seems very handy, especially for people deploying x-platform desktop apps or scripts. It is a SQL abstraction over OS information, kind of the SQL equivalent of the info you could glean by inspecting properties on the Python `os` module, and perhaps many OS/device details besides.
I don't know about others, but I think this is kinda amazing? There's been so many times I've wanted to have this ability when setting up a lab. Thanks for sharing!
That is a result of how Homebrew built and packaged it. There are downloads at, and for a Homebrew installation that page recommends installing the Cask.
Thanks for the clarification. I notice that "brew cask install osquery" installs a package. It would be helpful to get some instructions on what to do next.
I think what they mean is that they statically compile those in their builds, therefore producing a binary with no runtime dependencies. Homebrew builds use dynamic linking instead.
This looks like a cross-platform tool similar to WMI Query Language (WQL). I prefer the ease of using WQL in PowerShell scripts, so I imagine it may become popular.