1) My recollection was that _Computer World_ was around $400 for two insertions, and _Asian Computer Monthly_ was slightly less for 6. They were small ads.
2) Yes, I did make the acquaintance of a local (!) company, which I ended up having a 10 year relationship with. I also had a few of entertaining inquiries, none of which got me in trouble with the law, but also didn't make me any money. (Know when to say "no".)
It was in 1984. ;-) For comparison, in 2018 I took out an ad in the _Yakima Herald_ prospecting for some ag tech work and didn't get a single nibble; that ad cost me over $1000 for 4 insertions.
2) Yes, I did make the acquaintance of a local (!) company, which I ended up having a 10 year relationship with. I also had a few of entertaining inquiries, none of which got me in trouble with the law, but also didn't make me any money. (Know when to say "no".)