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1) My recollection was that _Computer World_ was around $400 for two insertions, and _Asian Computer Monthly_ was slightly less for 6. They were small ads.

2) Yes, I did make the acquaintance of a local (!) company, which I ended up having a 10 year relationship with. I also had a few of entertaining inquiries, none of which got me in trouble with the law, but also didn't make me any money. (Know when to say "no".)

Fantastic to hear. 400 bucks is extremely cheap for a long term relationship with a client. Agencies in Europe put 20% on top of your rate.

It was in 1984. ;-) For comparison, in 2018 I took out an ad in the _Yakima Herald_ prospecting for some ag tech work and didn't get a single nibble; that ad cost me over $1000 for 4 insertions.

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