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> It only took us 15 years of being flamed every time you pointed out you didn't like Javascript

I don't think that has ever been an unreasonable reaction. Nor is it all that unique: if you want to do iOS development in something other than Objective C or Swift then the iOS dev community is going to tell you that you're making a mistake. And they're often right.

I've used Rust. I like Rust a lot. But one thing I don't see mentioned in this article at all: "debugger". Or "inspector". The web development stack has some incredible tools to aid in development, debug code, memory usage, etc. etc. Can you still use them with this single page app? If not, what strength is Rust bringing here that you can't achieve with the standard web dev stack?

1. You can integrate existing high-quality libraries more natively

2. You can write your backend and front end in the same language which can be appealing to increase the ability for more people in the org to contribute code (eg you don’t need to hire a traditional web developer).

3. Tooling in rust is different. I’m sure the state of debugging and inspecting WASM will get better (I don’t actually know the state) but you’re now not limited to the tooling just in the browser and you can run all of that offline in a server

4. Performance

5. Tooling isn't there yet but it's an area of active development. Debugging in Chrome: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/12/webassembl...

> you’re now not limited to the tooling just in the browser and you can run all of that offline in a server

When it comes to DOM interaction (a key part of this article) you absolutely can’t.

I see the logic in compiling a native library to Rust and using it via WASM. It’s the part where you bring the whole DOM WASM-side that I’m sceptical about. As you say, tooling isn’t there yet. Is performance even there yet? Last I heard WASM<->DOM interaction incurs a performance penalty. Right now it all feels like a “because I can” capability. I’m not saying that will always be the case, but for right here and now I’m sceptical.

You can write your stuff in such a way to minimize the WASM<->DOM interactions. And there is a speed benefit for pure WASM stuff, so I can see it being a net win if you're using a good framework that pushes you in the right direction.

Not sure about this particular instance, but I can tell you about a project I’m working on in C++ that compiles down to wasm.

I was working on some prototype code that would eventually run on an embedded device, so C++ was the obvious choice for that work. Getting it all running in a linux app using SDL was a good starting point, but then I needed to collaborate with some very non technical people. At that point using Emscripten to compile the code to run in the browser ended up being useful work. I can upload the resulting html, js, wasm file to a webserver and anyone with a link can take a look.

Most of the debugging I do outside of the browser. But I was able to do some debugging using the web inspector.

But you’re right. I’m not sure that the tooling is quite there yet for a more generic single page app. My code tends to destroy the browser if left open, and it’s hard to tell why (most likely something memory related that doesn’t translate well).

I’m tempted to do more experimenting with cross compiling to wasm, but I’m not sure if my goal was production code on a browser I’d target anything but HTML5 CSS and JS+framework.

That said, there’s something to be said to being able produce a webapp while having no direct need for HTML & CSS. In the article author was still using HTML and CSS, so mostly the Rust was to avoid JS. My use case allowed me to not have to know HTML to produce a page. There’s also lots of precedent with game devs using Unity or Haxe tool chains to cross compile to the browser.

I think the same could be said about node, though. A big ideal would be to be able to use the same libraries, code, tooling, etc. instead of needing to fragment with multiple languages/impls/skills/tools/etc.

I don't know why anybody would choose Javascript for a server except for the fact that it's also Javascript, so you can largely share your stack between front-end and back-end. But I'm not convinced Javascript is all that great of a choice compared to most other languages out there for backend development, albeit it being very popular.

oh yeah, why's that then?

It's single-threaded, it's much slower compared to languages like Go, Java, etc, and for any app that performance needs to be a consideration, Node would just never be my first choice.

If I'm building a blog, then maybe it makes sense, but for high profile web apps/infra I just don't understand the appeal beyond using similar tooling and having the learning curve be the same (e.g. at least on the surface your UI and backend engineers can theoretically be the same).

I guess it generally depends on what you are building, but I tend to prefer something a bit beefier. I also love Go, so I may have a bias there, though the performance bits are data-driven, not subjective.

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