It really feels like the world finally caught up to Steve Jobs rather than the other way around. Its a wonder how early he has been using the word 'magical' and obsessed with creating the best version of anything out there even with a hacky product like a blue box.
they even included a guarantee with each one they sold. quoted in Return to Little Kingdom:
"The demonstrations provoked curiosity and Jobs and Wozniak made cassette tapes of tones that friends would need to call their favorite long-distance numbers. Jobs arranged a supply of about $40 worth of parts and Wozniak took about four hours to wire a box which was then sold for about $150. To cut down on time it took to build boxes the pair decided to stop wiring the boxes by hand and to have a printed circuit board made. Instead of spending four hours wiring a box, Wozniak could now finish a box within an hour. He also added another feature that turned one button into an automatic dialer. A small speaker and battery were attached to the printed circuit board, a keypad glued to the lid, and when all was finished, a card bearing a message in purple felt pen was taped to the bottom. It read "He's got the whole world in his hand" and it was linked to an informal guarantee. Wozniak promised that if a faulty box was returned and still contained the card he would repair it free of charge."