I've run into an application, used for monitoring, that had that exact type of bug, albeit not with a dot file.
A customer of my old business had built a little monitoring system for their compute nodes mounting a parallel file system. Their integrated test had every compute node open a particular fixed path and file name (of course the same on every node across the system) for read and write.
This "monitoring" script meant that they could have up to 2000 or so simultaneous IOs going to the same file, with no read/write locking. The tool read/wrote some number of bytes to get a performance read.
The end result was 1) lots of contention of course at the metadata layer, 2) often times spurious and incorrect reports of the parallel file system being offline (it wasn't).
We tried helping them on this, but they insisted they were doing this correctly (they weren't).
This is less about libraries with potholes per se, and more about critical applications (to a degree similar to libraries providing critical functions that need to be correct in semantics, implementation, and in error generation) that are broken due to a misdesign/mis-implementation somewhere.
With regard to her commentary on CPAN, one of the more annoying things I've dealt with in many libraries is their choices of error return. Some will throw exceptions. Some will return real errors you can process in-line. I am not a fan of throwing exceptions, and when I build larger Perl apps, I tend to insert some boilerplate exception handlers specifically due to the burns I've encountered in the past when modules do dumb things.
A customer of my old business had built a little monitoring system for their compute nodes mounting a parallel file system. Their integrated test had every compute node open a particular fixed path and file name (of course the same on every node across the system) for read and write.
This "monitoring" script meant that they could have up to 2000 or so simultaneous IOs going to the same file, with no read/write locking. The tool read/wrote some number of bytes to get a performance read.
The end result was 1) lots of contention of course at the metadata layer, 2) often times spurious and incorrect reports of the parallel file system being offline (it wasn't).
We tried helping them on this, but they insisted they were doing this correctly (they weren't).
This is less about libraries with potholes per se, and more about critical applications (to a degree similar to libraries providing critical functions that need to be correct in semantics, implementation, and in error generation) that are broken due to a misdesign/mis-implementation somewhere.
With regard to her commentary on CPAN, one of the more annoying things I've dealt with in many libraries is their choices of error return. Some will throw exceptions. Some will return real errors you can process in-line. I am not a fan of throwing exceptions, and when I build larger Perl apps, I tend to insert some boilerplate exception handlers specifically due to the burns I've encountered in the past when modules do dumb things.