I apologize for the lack of clarity in my post: I meant that the lion's share of the money the government spent went to corporations.
If the government had paid every American some reasonable sum—something approaching the median cost of living, perhaps?—for the duration of the pandemic, it would have drastically reduced the amount that would have been necessary to support businesses, as expenses for all but essential businesses would have been cut down to infrastructure maintenance.
Also, my main point regarding support for regular workers/unemployed is that now it's ending and things are going to get worse.
If the government had paid every American some reasonable sum—something approaching the median cost of living, perhaps?—for the duration of the pandemic, it would have drastically reduced the amount that would have been necessary to support businesses, as expenses for all but essential businesses would have been cut down to infrastructure maintenance.
Also, my main point regarding support for regular workers/unemployed is that now it's ending and things are going to get worse.