This is something C linters have been catching probably since there have been C linters, either from looking for that specific pattern (a lone equals sign in a conditional) or by "inventing" the notion of a boolean type long before C had one and then pretending that only comparison operators had such a type.
Needless to say, the better class of compiler catches this fine. gcc 9 does with -Wall and makes it an error with -Werror. Ditto clang 9. (Look at me giving version numbers as if this were recent. Any non-antediluvian C compiler worth using will do the same.) My point is, any reasonable build would at least pop up some errors for this, making it appear amateurish to me.
Contrary to popular opinion, Noah's C compiler was actually highly advanced, but he only brought one copy on the ark with him. No backups, and less than ideal storage conditions... you can guess what happened next. A triceratops ate the parchment tape containing the only copy of Noah CC, and Noah threw the offending triceratops off the Ark, because in his rage, he thought "I have a spare tricero". Only afterword did he realize the error in his logic, thus dooming the triceratops to extinction.
* Only found in highly divergent manuscripts, widely assumed to be late additions.
I think I recall reading that around that time (remember this is 2003) Linus was either against -Werror or against spending effort eliminate warnings. The reason being that GCC had a few false positives, and the effort of making Linux kernel build with these spurious errors was not worth the risk of breaking code that likely worked ok.
However I can't find anything where this is directly said, all I can find is a collection of Linus' early 00s emails on the subject of GCC which includes a LOT of reference to said warnings:
Note that there are parentheses around the assignment which the compiler takes as an indication that this is intentional. Also note that the parentheses are required because without them the precedence would be wrong.
Since the parentheses are required due to precedence, then they are not there to show "I intend this assignment to happen". That would have to be:
if ((options == (__WCLONE|__WALL)) && ((current->uid = 0)))
As an aside, note that this particular case also has the problem that the assignment expression makes the entire test expression false, which is suspicious. If an assignment expression occurs in the controlling expression of a selection or iteration statement, such that the entire expression is always true or false as a result, that should probably be warned about no matter how many parentheses have been heaped on to the assignment.
It was worse than that. They took whatever unreleased code was in the gnu repository on a random day, and started patching that. gcc 2.96 was known for miscompiling all sorts of stuff. GNU caught a lot of flack for a compiler they didn't even release.
AFAK Red Hat did this as they wanted to support ia64, but no (released) gcc version had a backend for it.
Needless to say, the better class of compiler catches this fine. gcc 9 does with -Wall and makes it an error with -Werror. Ditto clang 9. (Look at me giving version numbers as if this were recent. Any non-antediluvian C compiler worth using will do the same.) My point is, any reasonable build would at least pop up some errors for this, making it appear amateurish to me.