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An autoclave is what the electrical cooker is being used to emulate. A pressure cooker is a better option if you'll be on the road, camping, or otherwise without electricity. Researchers in Canada already proved several months ago that N95 masks could be sanitized this way:


Unfortunately the referenced NewsArticle does not link to the ScholarlyArticle https://schema.org/ScholarlyArticle :

"N95 Mask Decontamination using Standard Hospital Sterilization Technologies" (2020-04) https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.05.20049346v... :

> We sought to test the ability of 4 different decontamination methods including autoclave treatment, ethylene oxide gassing, ionized hydrogen peroxide fogging and vaporized hydrogen peroxide exposure to decontaminate 4 different N95 masks of experimental contamination with SARS-CoV-2 or vesicular stomatitis virus as a surrogate. In addition, we sought to determine whether masks would tolerate repeated cycles of decontamination while maintaining structural and functional integrity. We found that one cycle of treatment with all modalities was effective in decontamination and was associated with no structural or functional deterioration. Vaporized hydrogen peroxide treatment was tolerated to at least 5 cycles by masks. Most notably, standard autoclave treatment was associated with no loss of structural or functional integrity to a minimum of 10 cycles for the 3 pleated mask models. The molded N95 mask however tolerated only 1 cycle. This last finding may be of particular use to institutions globally due to the virtually universal accessibility of autoclaves in health care settings.

The ScholarlyArticle referenced by and linked to by the OP NewsArticle is "Dry Heat as a Decontamination Method for N95 Respirator Reuse" (2020-07) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00534 . Said article does not reference "N95 Mask Decontamination using Standard Hospital Sterilization Technologies" DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.05.20049346v2 . We would do well to record that (article A, seemsToConfirm, Article B) as third-party linked data (only if both articles do specifically test the efficacy of the given sterilization method with the COVID-19 coronavirus)

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