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Sometimes the point isn't technical, but social. So MD5 isn't used for security purposes right now. At some point someone will want some hashing function, and they'll probably look at what the code already uses. The last thing you want is someone a bit clueless goi g "it was good enough there, it's good enough here" and using MD5 where they shouldn't. Removing it from a codebase helps with that problem.

The problem here is that people assume they know every possible reason why the auditor might ask for something, when they don't. If the auditor is asking for it, and it costs almost nothing to do, maybe just do it instead of wasting everyone's time by acting like you know the totality on the subject, and everyone will probably go home happier at the end of the day.

Isn't that what code review is for? To me that sounds like arguing against string formatting because someone could think it's ok for SQL queries.

An auditor's job doesn't end at saying what things should be changed, it should include why as well (granted, we don't know the full content of the auditor's report here, maybe they did say why).

Code reviews are good checks. Making it more difficult for dumb ideas to show up in a code review and possibly be missed is also good.

If using md5 had any real benefit I'd say leave it, but what are you gaining?

because CRC is actually worse for checking file content collisions (not that MD5 is perfect either).

> because CRC is actually worse for checking file content collisions

So use SHA-1 or SHA-2 or SHA-3 or if you really hate NIST standards for some reason then CubeHash or Skein or Blake2 or ...

The reason why CRC32C was chosen as a replacement instead of SHA-2 or whatever - what happens if in a few more years, SHA-2 isn’t considered secure any more and some future security audit demands it be changed again? Whereas, a CRC algorithm isn’t usually used for security purposes, so a security audit is far less likely to pay any attention to it. The whole issue started because a security-related technology was used for a non-security purpose.

> what happens if in a few more years, SHA-2 isn’t considered secure any more and some future security audit demands it be changed again

Then change it again? If you use the most recent available NIST standard it should hopefully be a very long time before meaningful (let alone practical) attacks materialize (if ever). If you end up needing to worry about that in a security audit, consider it a badge of success that your software is still in active use after so many years.

Using an insecure hashing algorithm without a clear and direct need is a bad idea. It introduces the potential for future security problems if the function or resultant hash value is ever used in some unforeseen way by someone who doesn't know better or doesn't think to check. Unless the efficiency gains are truly warranted (ex a hash map implementation, high throughput integrity checking, etc) it's just not worth it.

> a security-related technology was used for a non-security purpose

I would suggest treating all integrity checks as security-related by default since they have a tendency to end up being used that way. (Plus crypto libraries are readily available, free, well tested, generally prioritize stability, and are often highly optimized for the intended domain. Why would you want to avoid such code?)

Are you seriously suggesting sha-1 as a good replacement to md5... for security reasons?

Ahh poop, looks like I was out of date. Apparently a practical demonstration of an attack with complexity ~2^60 was recently demonstrated against legacy GPG (the v1.4 defaults) for less than $50k USD. [1] That being said, it looks like it still required ~2 months and ~900 GPUs versus MD5 at 2^18 (less than a second on a single commodity desktop processor).

So yeah, I agree, add SHA-1 to the list of algorithms to reflexively avoid for any and all purposes unless you have a _really_ good reason to use it.

[1] https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2020/01/new_sha-1_att...

If someone is dumb enough to add it, someone is dumb enough to let it through code review.

Code reviews miss things.

(1) Code is in part a communication medium. This says "We use MD5"

(2) Code changes. If some sees something cryptohashed, they may use it differently in 5 years.

The reason they ask is that they have to fill a checkbox that says "no MD5" and of course they're don't know that CRC32 is worse

And to be very fair, a lot of security issues would be caught with basic checkbox ticking. Are you using a salted password hashing function instead of storing passwords in plaintext? Are you using a firewall? Do you follow the principles of least privilege?

Except this is not for password hashing.

Why is this so difficult to grasp.

What is this weird incessant need to play devils advocate.

Sometimes people are just right.

Because most times people aren't "just right", they're just unwilling to widen their point of view, and/or they turn the issue into a way to assert their own importance and intellect over someone else at the expense of those they work with.

I don't need some coworker getting into some drawn out battle about how MD5 is fine to use when we can just use SHA (or CRC32C as that person did, which is more obviously non-useful for security contexts) and be done in 30 minutes. The auditor is there to do their job, and if what they request is not extremely invasive or problematic for the project, implementing those suggestions is your job, and arguing over pointless things in your job is not a sign of something I want in a coworker or someone I manage.

> they turn the issue into a way to assert their own importance and intellect over someone else at the expense of those they work with.

This is exactly what the auditor is doing.

How can you not see the irony here?

> I don't need some coworker getting into some drawn out battle

This isn't a drawn out battle. This is a really fast one, md5 is fine here, you didn't check the context of its use, thats fine, whats the next item on your list?

Whats fucking hard about that?

Is this some kind of weird cultural thing with American schooling teaching kids they can't question authority?

> This is exactly what the auditor is doing.

The auditor was asked to do it and is being paid to do it. Presumably, the people arguing are paid to implement the will of those that pay them. At some point people need to stop arguing and do what they're paid to do or quit. Doing this over wanting to use MD5 seems a pretty poor choice of a hill to die on.

> This is a really fast one, md5 is fine here, you didn't check the context of its use, thats fine, whats the next item on your list?

There are items like this all throughout life. Sure, you can be trusted to drive above the speed limit on this road, and maybe the speed limit is set a little low. But we have laws for a reason, and at some point you letting the officials know that the speed is two low and they really don't need to make it that low goes from helpful to annoying everyone around you.

> Whats fucking hard about that?

Indeed, what is so hard about just accepting that while you're technically correct that MD5 isn't a problem, you're making yourself a problem when you fight stupid battles nobody but you cares about, but everyone has to deal with?

> Is this some kind of weird cultural thing with American schooling teaching kids they can't question authority?

Hardly. Pompous blowhards exist in every culture. Also, that's hilarious. Your talking about a culture that rebels against authority just because they think they that's what they're supposed to do, even if it's for stupid reasons and makes no sense. See the tens of millions of us that refuse to wear masks because it "infringes on our freedom".

> do what they're paid to do or quit.

I'm paid to tell idiots where to go. My boss doesn't pay me 6 figures to toe the line and fill in boxes. She pays me to use my judgement to move the company forward. I'm not wasting my time and her money on this sort of garbage and if they can't see the difference between casual use and secure use them we need to rethink our relationship with this company or they need to send us someone new.

> Your talking about a culture that rebels against authority

You just used the line "do what you're told or quit".

The cognitive dissonance here is unreal.

> I'm not wasting my time and her money

I've very specifically couched all my recommendations for this for when it's trivial to do. Arguing about this with someone instead of doing it, when doing it may have some benefits but really only costs a few minutes instead of just doing so is definitely wasting her time and money.

> You just used the line "do what you're told or quit".

I noted what I wished people would do in very specific cases where they're wasting way too much time and effort to win a stupid argument rather than make a small change of dubious, not possibly not zero, positive security impact.

I don't see anything weird about acknowleding some of the extreme traits of the culture I live in while also wishing they would change, at least in specific cases where I think they do more harm than good.

Honestly, I'm confused why you would even make some cognitive leap that since I live in an area with a specific culture I must act in the manner I described that culture, especially when I did it in a denigrating way. I guess you think all Americans must be the same? That doesn't seem a useful way to interact with people.

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