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> The new product will be embedded within Instagram

Oh god. It means that, like Instagram TV or whatever it was called, it will be forcibly shoved down your throat for the next half a year with nagging reminders for another year.

I check Instagram most days and I had never heard of Instagram TV before this post. They can't possibly have been shoving it down everyone's throats that aggressively.

You didn't use Instagram when they rolled out IGTV then. There were multiple inline promotions, aggressive hints for the dedicated IGTV button, then they made this dedicated button red (in an otherwise gray-and-white interface) for several months.

It still failed, of course, and got relegated to a small button inside the explore tab, but it the push was aggressive nonetheless. Expect the same for "Facebook's TikTok".

To easily solve this problem, uninstall all Facebook-owned applications. I know this probably seems absurd and impossible. I promise you that facebook may seem necessary when you're addicted to it but after you break that addiction you'll be left wondering what the hell you were ever thinking in the first place.

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