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Easy, it thinks they are full of bloat, including Go.

Each release of Oberon-07 drops features, it is reduced to a C like with GC, with a single form of loop constructions.

Got any specific citations? His general opinion seems pretty clear, but I would like him going on about some details.

I think I remember him saying that if one would want to design a language, starting with Oberon would be his recommendation. In that regard Go at least does something right.

And it does at least have a specification, too, which is another item that Wirth is pretty adamant about.

I'd pay good money to have him and Meyer argue about design, syntax and semantics.

Easy, compare 1992's Oberon with Oberon-07 revisions from 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Each Oberon-07 revision, as mentioned, drops language features.

Also note that as far as I know, he wasn't too keen in the offsprings from Oberon, namely Active Oberon, Oberon.NET, Component Pascal and Zonnon.

Oberon-2 was his last collaborative work in the context of Oberon language family.

And while for me Active Oberon is the best one for systems programming (still in use at ETHZ OS classes), with support for several low level features that original Oberon requires Assembly, I doubt Wirth would appreciate it, given that it is Modula-3 like in size and features.


Oberon has three (not one) loop statements, namely WHILE, REPEAT and FOR:


If anyone is interested in using the language outside of the Oberon operating system, here is a freestanding compiler:


Oberon yes, but I guess you missed the Oberon-07 part of the comment.

I'm referring to Oberon-07 which is the latest version of Oberon, last updated in 2016.

I stand corrected, what was dropped was LOOP and EXIT, and I somehow mixed it up.

Sorry about that.

Given how many languages you know, and how many revisions of languages, you might be forgiven for having mixed up one detail on one revision...

Though this is why we shouldn't be snarky when replying to others. Aside from just being nice, we might be the one in error and not know it.

Exactly, Oberon is now a purely structured language in which each statement sequence fully executed. There are no goto-like constructs.

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