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Launch HN: Stacker (YC S20) – Create Apps from Airtable or Google Sheets
292 points by skellystudios on Aug 3, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 116 comments
We're Michael and Sam, co-founders of Stacker (https://stacker.app/). We let anyone create custom software powered by data from Airtable or Google Sheets, with a nice UI, auth and rich permissions. Think Internal Tools, Custom CRMs, and Customer Portals.

We've been working for ages on building something that lets non-technical people create software without code. We spent about 2 years building a really powerful and complicated drag-and-drop no-code app builder. It was really awesome, it could create social networks, SaaS, marketplaces – the works. The only problem was: nobody could use it unless they were already a developer! It turned out that even though you weren't technically writing any code… you were still actually programming, still thinking like a developer. Just with a really inefficient set of no-code tools.

We (eventually!) realised that non-devs were already building systems anyway; but instead of code they were using spreadsheets.

Spreadsheets are basically the world's most used database/IDE. They're great for modelling and managing data. But, if you've ever used someone else's sheet you'll know that they're not the best way to interact with the data. Giving someone access to your spreadsheet is pretty much like giving someone access to your SQL database – they won't understand it, they might see more than they should, and they might break the whole thing.

Stacker is basically an app layer on top of spreadsheet. We let you set up a nice UI, add user login, and limit who can see/do what using permissions. We also handle abstracting away the limitations of the APIs of Airtable/Google Sheets so that the whole thing stays performant.

The main two cases where people find Stacker useful are:

1. they want to create internal tools that are easier to use/understand

2. they want to allow customers/partners access to some of the data in their sheet without giving the whole thing

We've been really excited that most of our early users have been non-technical people who hadn't ever thought they could create software for their business. People have been creating marketplaces, CRMs, resources centres, order-tracking portals, ERPs… lots of stuff. We're a monthly SaaS model starting at $39pcm – we handle all the hosting, infrastructure, and even SSL certs etc.

Right now we support Airtable and Google Sheets, but we'd like to expand out to include other data sources like SQL databases, APIs and even MS Excel(!).

Underneath the hood we've got a bunch of technology from our original web app builder – a python backend that creates on-the-fly endpoints depending on the user's data model, and react frontend that can flexibly layout the app. Then on top of that, we've got a service that analyses the schema from your sheet and automatically creates your initial Stacker app.

I'd love to hear what use cases you can think of for this, either internal or external, and what you'd like to see it do in the future! Check it out here: https://stacker.app

p.s. History update – you might remember us from when we did a very early alpha launch as "Toga" a few months back (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22746663). Thanks to everyone who helped us iron out all the bugs from that!

I've seen so many of these, and I think they should all be very successful but the only time I've seen them work is when they are wrapped in a service/consulting organization.

The reasons for this may be:

1. Even when the coding is free, the problem understanding part is not

2. The amount of work to be done to implement a new process or system is non-trivial, but temporary, so you need temporary help.

3. Probably another 3-5 reasons I haven't thought of.

In any case, it seems you would have to pitch your solution to a consulting firm. If you get one of the top 5, you're golden. However, they might prefer the real expensive enterprisy solutions. You're better of pitching to larger but lightweight organizations.

One way to do that is have training around learning typical client processes, typical solutions, and how to implement them. Or how to recognize issues. (Making this up: look at the balance sheet, if inventory is building up, turnover is low. You want a process to push back the order time and link it to sales.)

They already are very successful, and it doesn't require a consulting organization.

Quickbase, for example, was recently sold for $1bn, and is one of the category leaders, with revenue over $100m. Their whole model is no-code business process development. For some reason, Valley types never mention Quickbase in the market, and only think Airtable et al created it, even though QB is the behemoth.

Their lowest price is $500/month billed annually. So it's $6000 day one. And that's the cheap plan - the other two are "contact us for a custom quote". https://www.quickbase.com/plans-and-pricing

Airtable (and Stacker) at least let you build for free, then upgrade to monthly accounts at launch.

Not affiliated with any of them.

So #1 is exactly the reason we're letting you build on top of your spreadsheet.

People seem to be able to design systems pretty well using just Airtable or Google Sheets – they're just lacking some pretty important abilities (UI, logins, security) to make them work the way they want.

They might be able to build systems for small teams but they can't scale them to organizations. These "apps" get stuck soon on change management, data, integrations, etc.. You might make money on short term as people get excited building apps, but long term this approach is likely to disappoint.

This is actually part of the problem we're most excited to solve.

Both me and my cofounder come from the Salesforce ecosystem, where they've done some of that really well, and some of that really badly.

I agree, all of these things are a prerequisite to be able to truly scale across an org, and we're definitely not there yet, but it's firmly in our sights.

Well I was going to say that Salesforce is a great example of something that sold well initially but it has mostly been a disappointment. Salesforce has been telling managers that "apps" are the way to go while the real value driver of sales funnels is data. Sales funnel can be optimized only if you blend data across the various stages from lead to revenue. I don't think you can solve the issues of organizational "digitalization" by starting with apps, it's data and integrations, apps are a tiny wrapper around a well organized and managed data ecosystem.

Say I have a Google Sheet with customer data. One column is status. When I log a new customer status is new. When I close a deal I want to change to status active, but: 1. I do not want to type "active", I want to select it from some options. 2. I want to check that customer has paid, so I need to hook this to a payments sheet or service. 3. I want to validate all input is valid before activating a customer, for example, I need a scanned image of a document to have been uploaded. 4. If all is good, I want to change the customer to active, but when I do it: 5. I want to create a log so I know when and who sold this account, so I can later automate sales commissions. 6. I want to send an email to the new customer, including login credentials. 7. Things I have not yet imagined but will surely pop when my business grows.

Can I do all this with Stacker? Merely using a couple of Google Sheets as my back-end DB?

Long ago I did Wordpress sites, and I learned that no matter how nice of an admin interface I made to let the client modify their own site, they would always call us to change even the tiniest things.

Interesting. I think because "no code" doesn't actually empower people.

Seems paradoxical but it's not. Belief empowers, without that you think, I might break it, and that will be terrible. You can't break a spreadsheet.

Clearly you’ve never tried to have multiple people work on a super important and also macro-ridden xls file.

Spreadsheets can absolutely get broken

The nice thing with spreadsheets is people can also rescue themselves by saving off copies... but the flipside is that there are 10 versions and no one remembers which one is the good one.

Definitely that. Also: ever had to write in all caps "Don't touch this column!" to stop people breaking your formulas.

Giving people access to your sheet can be like giving them access to your SQL database.

Clearly you didn't see what I mean. I mean you can't break the "app". A spreadsheet app like Excel runs and it's literally like a kid's sandbox where you can do stuff in the sheet and Excel will just keep chugging. And if Excel breaks hey it ain't your fault.

My point is people don't want the responsibility us devs have to build "apps" that they are afraid they will make broken.

I think we probably don't need no code tools to help people build "apps" we need a more expressive executable document the combine stuff from the web, Microsoft word documents and Excel into something that's a little more powerful and fits today's use cases.

Just my two cents. Feel free to try to crucify me cuz my views differ to yours.

I’m confused.

Are we not talking about the psychology of day-to-day users, where they are afraid to tinker too much?

That’s the impression I got when you said “Belief empowers, without that you think, I might break it, and that will be terrible.”

If that’s the case, then I stand by my comment as I’ve seen first-hand the hesitation people have about accidentally breaking a mission-critical spreadsheet.

Now, let’s be clear: I have not said anything about “no code”, as to me there are a lot of compelling arguments both ways in this thread. I am saying that “Excel” is not unbreakable nor does it free the user from fears about breaking something important (from a business perspective, breaking a vital xls document and breaking the Excel application itself are functionally equivalent, even though you and I know that Excel the program can be fixed essentially trivially by the right person with the right tools)

Sorry I should have seen what happened. I made a good point, and you took a tiny piece of it, found something to disagree with and held on for dear life, to prove "joshspankit is right", "browsergap is wrong". Yay! Congratulations! Good for you. Within the confines of your narrow misinterpretation, you have proved you're self right again, you advance to the next stage.

If I hadn't been so triggered by being unresolved about being criticized as a kid...I probably would have seen that what you're saying just backs up what I said: if people are scared of complex sheets, they're likely terrified of app makers.

I wish people like you would acknowledge the good points I make, and not take them out of context, and not define themselves by disagreement, but say something like, "Well you can break a spreadsheet. But I get what you're saying, it's less scary than apps in general."

And I wish I could not get triggered and just respond like: "Yes you can break a spreadsheet. But they're still way safer than app makers. Which is what I mean."

And I wish HN was not such a fucking shit show of people acting out and abusing and being mean to each other...but then why do I keep coming back?

But I'm not the boss of HN and I'm not the boss of you. So all I can do is fix my own reactions. People like you gonna keep existing...finding disagreements, maybe you enjoy it...maybe you're unresolved about something and this is how maladaptively try to recapture your power.

Whatever it is, we're all fucked up. We all just gotta find our own way that's to live that's free and untormented by past traumas that we didn't deserve and that are not our fault.

Maybe that's why I keep coming back...because it pushes my buttons, and I know that's some opportunity...it gives me a chance to work it out...rather than just "act out" on automatic. :)

I guess it works to say "improve my reactions" not "fix" . fixed and inflexible is not what I'm going for. Creating improvements is :)


True client story: I was once required to fill out opex/capex split timesheets into an Excel spreadsheet once a month, for each of my teams.

The spreadsheet came with instructions containing dire warnings that changing the formatting would change the semantic meaning of some of the cells, thereby breaking the spreadsheet for everyone.

I'm pretty sure that the developers of that spreadsheet used cell formatting to encode metadata about the cell values.

Thinking about this more, I think we need less expressive tools with less freedom.

Freedom = more ways it can fuck up. Which is more scary.

We don't need "easy to use". Easy to use just means "easy to make a big mess."

It probably needs to be hard to fuck up, less magic, not too expressive, but targeted on the problem. Constrain people, and they will still find a way.

I think making things easy to use has been over-hyped by idiot founders and investors who don't get the customers they pretend to understand. But yeah, reject me from YC 9 times, and don't fund my work...I guess being an indie dev/maker is more my style. Who wants to have an investor boss anyway?

You are asking for higher level abstractions and I agree with you. The application development paradigm has been stuck for awhile, it transcend where we are currently at. I don't have an answer.

I trade my software skills to my personal trainer for free workout sessions, and it's so true. He isn't a dumb guy, he's young and runs his own socials, but makes me do every single text change and minor tweak to his Squarespace site. It's worth it for some free sessions but it would be a lot faster turnaround if he just learned to do it himself.

I'd say there are probably two things your trainer can't currently do, that you can. (Of course, if your trainer was interested and put in the effort, he probably could).

One is: have a good intuition/model for what will need to be changed. (What will need to be changed and what effect that might have).

Another is: confidence that he'll be able to resolve any problem he might get into.

(That's not even considering that programming, I think, gets an aura of nerdy/hard, when a lot of it is very accessible).

Considering that Squarespace doesn't have backup/restore functionality (!!!!), maybe it is wise for him to have you just "make it so."

Are you kidding? One of the single most useful features that make computers useful, restoring from a bad state, is missing from Squarespace. I am embarrassed for them.

> Copy and paste text to another location, like a text document or a Google Doc.


> If you get one of the top 5, you're golden. However, they might prefer the real expensive enterprisy solutions.

This can be mitigated, as if Stacker offer the top 5 a massive licence discount compared to big enterprisey tools, so they're making more profit on the same result, then they'll pick it. And for the big enterprisey solutions that are built in an old, expensive way, they won't be able to compete on price for long, which could be interesting.

That is an interesting approach.

Not to be overly cynical, but part of the appeal of a large expensive system that "everyone" uses is that you feel better writing that large check. "Nobody gets fired for hiring IBM."

Design your own database/no-code solutions ironically seem to appeal more to software developers than it does to end-users. Devs and tech-savvy-power-users are looking for ways to automate app development. End-users are more likely to try to find the exact solution that targets their specific niche--not a design my own database/no-code solution.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, there is still a problem here to solve. The approach is likely in who you market to and understanding who your market is. As much as you might think end-users are your market, they really aren't. Even if end-users are given the tools so they can design their own apps, a lot of them don't want to. They'd rather have IT do that for them. IT on the other hand, would love to have things that makes it easier for them to automate quick CRUD apps for all the internal business operations that have to be dealt with, especially at enterprise levels. This is why SalesForce and JIRA succeed and other too generic design your own database solutions targeted at end-users fail. As much as people love to hate SalesForce and JIRA for their enterprise-y ways they are making a lot of money doing what they're doing.

We believe that GraphQL would be more appealing as a middle-ground for devs who want to no-code. See https://www.baseql.com/ (*Support for GSheets is on the roadmap!)

Interesting. I have code sitting on my pc right now that does exactly this. I was planning to release it on GitHub but never got to it. Thought not many people would be interested. Mine is more general - works with most file formats at the cost of some work in describing relations and so on. Subscriptions, AOC and rate limiting built in.

This is fairly accurate. The no code revolution is a great happenstance for most techies who want to test ideas and run experiments.

Bye bye boilerplate, until we meet again.

On that note, is there a business intelligence tool for the no-code (or low code) world that just works?

I want to visualise my database without having to type queries in terminal, and without using some clunky shit like metabase.

Have you tried Excel? Seriously, it can connect to DB really easily. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-a-query-to-an...

PowerBI is good too, as is Quicksight, and pretty cheap.

Check out Appsmith https://github.com/appsmithorg/appsmith (I'm a co-founder). It's an open source low code product to build internal tools. The UI is flexible and we ship with charting, data grids, & forms. You can connect these to MySQL, Mongo or Postgres instances. There's an editor for writing queries and view responses. Any logic can be written in JS.

This may be what you're looking for: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22548217

So far, nearly all the people using us are non-technical people in “the business” rather than devs/IT.

I think in the end there’s a nice balance that can exist. The more technical folks can set up the core data structures at the heart of a team, but anyone can add columns, create new filters or views.

How much on boarding did you have to do manually? Have you found a way to scale this?

Most people are self-serve! We’ve tried really hard to make this super easy to use – and we’re definitely standing on the shoulders of GSheets and Airtable

I've done some R&D during 4 months and I've chosen Stacker as our main CMS/Back-office for building a SaaS B2B product.

Here is our list of requirements:

- Providing a backoffice to our customers, where each user can connect to its own tenant and access its tenant's data only.

- The backoffice must be generated automatically from a data structure (db schema for instance)

- An API must be generated automatically from the data structure (allows to consume the data from web apps, mobiles, etc.)

- Ideally, this API would be a GraphQL server because that's what we use already.

- Advanced permissions and roles for internal users, basically need to configure who can view which tables, or has update/delete permissions on which tables. It must be flexible and non-blocking for our business evolution/future needs

- The backoffice needs to be flexible about UI components/views so that we can create our own workflows, views and components.

- Theming capabilities of the backoffice, per tenant, would nice to have.

- Also, my goal is to have as little to manage as possible, I'd prefer to use a managed cloud version over a custom "have-to-install-and-maintain" one if possible

I've tried many others, GraphCMS, Directus, Frappe, Django Jet, Strapi, and studied tons of other. Stacker is the only one who is flexible enough for our use case.

That’s great to hear! Glad to be hitting those needs now, and hopefully you’re gonna like what we’ve got in store for the next few months!

I feel like these no-code companies are a bit ahead of their time and focusing on the wrong audience. Instead of focusing on end user/business user, they should focus on developers. Please create tools (code or not) that make it really easy and fast to create CRUD apps for developers. There hasn't been good ones available. Empower developers first. Last time I check, no business user would want to create an app no matter how easy it is.

The stone cold truth is that if something is capable of generating value it will inevitably afford a developer to extend, improve, or maintain it - at which point the developer will instead develop stomach ulcers trying to maintain complex logic that would be infinitiely easier had it been built with standard software practices. Finally, it will be refactored, rewritten, or outright replaced, at great cost with actual code at one point or another.

Zero code is most often a corner that should not be cut at any medium or large enterprise - and guess where all the money selling SaaS or IaaS products comes from?

Since you mentioned tools for developers, we are building a project for developers called Appsmith. https://github.com/appsmithorg/appsmith. It's a low code product to build internal tools. You can connect UI components to APIs or DBs. Any logic can be written in JS.

That goes against the whole “no developer needed” mentality that a lot of those services tout, which is a big selling point. I agree with you in that there’s a big need to improve developer tools, though.

Here's an open-source attempt at something similar:


I keep wanting to love Google Sheets as a building block for creating rich applications, but Apps Script is so painful to use and my complex sheets are almost always full of cells that are stuck at "Loading..."

If you can solve the former I would be grateful. Solving the latter is a much bigger challenge.

I remember another Stacker https://gunkies.org/wiki/Stacker

My first thought too! The lawsuit was what I remembered the most:


I still remember the excitement of seeing "40MB Free" on the screen with my 21MB MFM hard drive...

Wow, I'd not seen this before. Now I need to find some way to get my hands on a physical copy of that!

So, what makes your system cooler than Glide, another YC company? Is the primary differentiator not relying on Google Sheets as much (which is good, since I think Excel is a lot more common in large enterprises), or..?


So we really love what the folks over at Glide have built, and we're not looking for a fight on "coolness" ;)

Overall, we're used in a different way: Stacker let you make systems for your team to work from, or portals for your customers to self serve. We can be backed by either Google Sheets or Airtable, and we work on desktop and mobile.

We've got a real focus on creating something for daily use, and that gives you really fine-grained control of your business rules and data security.

Glide is, as you say, just GSheets, and just mobile. If you check out their examples, you'll see they're more focussed on small utility apps (e.g. Attendance Tracker) than larger systems.

There are a lot of people in this space, and Google itself bought one:


Yikes, just noticed that your first two paid plans have branding. I find that objectionable. If I am a paying customer why am I being forced to advertise as well? I wonder if I am alone in that thinking. I have never priced a SaaS but as a customer that puts me off. Otherwise it looks pretty cool.

When reading these comments, remember: these arent your target customers

Disagree. I am.

Sure you are.

This reminds me of a what I did for a friends app project to give them the tools they needed, allow them to iterate quickly, and minimize need for backend engineer involvement (use-case: frontend smartphone app, data admin of hierarchical data by non-technical team members):

Using Firestore as main datastore, exposed to app by stupid Cloud Function. Backend admin is done through Google Spreadsheets, using a custom script that syncs each spreadsheet to an entity type. The only required/static fields are the "relational" columns that maps parents/childs. Apart from that they can add/remove/rename columns as they want, which maps to JSON fields in the API output. All values are JSON serialized.

With Airtable, the JSON can be abstracted away from the user.

After the initial setup, they have been working and iterating on it for months now and the frontend app can do all the changes they want in terms of data and all it takes is editing the spreadsheet.

This is obviously not suitable for when/if the product takes off and starts scaling, but for the hack it is I found it ideal at the exploratory stage. No need for any kind of CRUD app, teaching new tools, or involving backend/db admin for schema/API changes.

Hard to complete with the likes of Microsoft who offer PowerApps for 'free' in their 365 product catalog. I've seen previous selfproclaimed excel ninjas build whole (internal) business apps with PowerApps to get rid of the excel sheets. Upside for me is that since it's all in the 365 ecosystem it's all covered with our security policies.

Ah, the joys of competing with Microsoft ;) This is partly why right now we're focusing on Airtable and Google Sheets

Overall, though, we're pretty happy for the ecosystem of people creating their own apps is growing, and we're pretty sure we'll be able to offer some compelling benefits that PowerApps doesn't – and still stay on the right side of your security policies!

I'm thinking at some departments in my company which heavily rely on Google Sheet for their under-cover development needs - basically when they are not given any dedicated developer time - and this is both awesome (gives them freedom to tinkle/experiment) and scary (gives them freedom to mess it up) at the same time, so I feel a bit divided :)

Love the idea of "under-cover development". Sneaking in at night to ship software to make your team more efficient.

I worked at a bank in IT, and we called this "shadow IT". When departments and teams have budget but the organizational friction to do anything with it is too much, you end up with a lot of excel, access DBs and stuff built on sharepoint, notes, whatever is available. Life, uh, finds a way.

IT groups like to rail against this, but they are also the ones setting up architecture review boards, CAB's and things like new activity committees, where good ideas go to die.

I work in a bank right now, and the "shadow IT" term seems pretty universal. We even use a direct translation in our native language.

It's called Shadow IT and it has plagued corporations for decades.

Ironically Excel is often the tool of choice, and it happened in an org I was in. A finance team had an Excel workbook they used to calculate payouts to different stakeholders of a set of oil properties. Over time this workbook grew bigger in scope and in data and was becoming unusable, so they came to our app dev org to rebuild it as a standalone application. In the process of rebuilding it, critical miscalculations and rounding errors were found in the workbook, and we owed years-old payments to some of the involved parties.

In a worst-case timeline, the team avoids having the problem solved by IT even longer, it culminates as a critical workflow issue (workbook becomes unusable to the point that the finance team cannot do their job at all and there is no quick solution), and the third parties realize they are owed money and sue.

Interestingly, I had the need to make a spreadsheet available as an API and ended up using very simple appscript to archive this a few days ago. I shared it in my blog here, perhaps it might be useful for someone here.


Wow, my first thought was "I love this idea." second thought was "holy crepe this is pricey."

I think we need to see more about the interface for building an app and such. Bubble and others in your space or even Glide your direct competitor are better about explaining how the build process works.

Stacker is on my shortlist of no code services to try once I've finished scaffolding in Airtable. Others are Bubble (https://bubble.io), Boundless (https://www.boundlesslabs.com) and Webflow (https://webflow.com/).

Stacker looks nice, but why is it better than the other options that have been around for a long time? At $349/app/mo (or $3480/app/yr) it seems more expensive than the others but perhaps the value is there.

Where we try to differentiate ourselves is that while Bubble etc. can theoretically let you create any app/product, in reality that means you're building all the small parts from scratch, and you end up having to basically think like a programmer.

We want to solve a much smaller set of problems really well – turning spreadsheets into Internal Apps and Customer Portals.

That means we've spent a bunch of time focussing on getting the things that everyone needs (User login, data security, lists, forms) really excellent so that you can build something really easily.

In fact, there's not really any "building", just "configuring" – you start with a working app as soon as you connect your data, and then customize it to look how you want.

Contrast that with tools like Bubble where you have to build out each screen, each form, the login page etc. manually.

Really cool tool. A few reasons I'm excited about it:

- Even though I'm a dev, I find myself hating the maintenance of internal tools

- I looked through my GSuite and realize that I'm already using sheets to build micro apps. Each spreadsheet I create is a basic tool for collaborating around data. Adding a meta layer on top of it to enable things like permissions + better UI is a totally natural next step. I think there's a bit of an education piece to get spreadsheet users to realize that they're building micro apps, but once that aha moment happens, I think the value prop of stacker is really clear.

Excited to see where you all go :)

This reminds me of Azuqua[1], which has its owning implementation of cloud table that could be used as persistence layer for custom build applications.

[1] https://azuqua.com

Huh, never heard of it. Seems like it's been folded into a different product:

> Azuqua is no longer available for purchase. If you are an existing Azuqua customer looking for support, please email azuquasupport@okta.com.

FWIW we used Airtable to power one of our sites (https://labs.codeday.org/) and it was a huge mistake. Airtable has at least one hour-long downtime every month during the middle of the workday.

(The API was also really awful, e.g. bool is `true`/`undefined`, never false, you can't query table schemas, etc. But I imagine this app abstracts some of that away.)

Anyway I can't imagine building an app on top of Airtable, of the options I would 100% choose Google Sheets.

Google Sheets are changing their CORS header for their "Publish to Web" feature and breaking a ton of apps as you write this: https://support.google.com/docs/thread/56845119?hl=en

I think having a message broker in-between the services and some sort of transient database should solve this, in a way.

Personal opinion--I like the pre-cooked templates, and would love to see more of common trivial SaaS products. Things like timekeeping or inventory management for instance. That would make it feel easier to justify, since it essentially replaces one or more things we'd already be paying for, rather than the abstract notion of "we'll create new efficiencies, somewhere".

It could even go the third party marketplace route, similar to what you see with quite popular wordpress themes and plugins.

Congrats on the launch.

How do you handle latency to google sheets or airtable APIs - these are not as responsive right ? Does it affect performance of stacker ?

We've spent a lot of time building systems to keep Stacker responsive even if the underlying data source isn't.

And both of these fit that bill: the Gsheets API is generally quite sluggish, especially for large sheets, and the Airtable API only lets you fetch 100 records at a time, with no skipping pages!

We cache the responses from each API to keep reads as quick as they can be, and try our best to be smart for writes too.

One thing I wonder -- Google Sheets has relatively restrictive limits on the amount of data you can have per sheet. I think something like 400k cells? What happens when a customer scales up to the point that their data doesn't fit anymore? I guess maybe users at that scale can afford to just buy a bespoke CRM solution / hire a dedicated programmer?

I think it’s 5M cells, so there’s a 10x lifetime boost for you.

We’d like to support SQL databases in the future, which would give the option to go forward without starting from scratch.

Ahh, seems you are correct, I believe the 400k number was old.

5M cells is indeed a lot.

Having an exporter that could generate an SQL schema + API that replicates what the user's formulas did would be a cool feature, but probably very difficult. I could see building an 80% solution (for your internal use), then selling a consulting service to take your existing Stacker setup and turn it into a bespoke system built on top of a real DB. Presumably by the time the customer has enough records for that to make sense, they would have the money to pay for such a service.

Perhaps you could also offer an "archive your old data after $N years" feature. Maybe also sell snapshot storage, or allow the user to download the archive and save it themselves?

I don't know your tech stack or the business concerns in your space, but maybe that looks like generating a static site that bundles all the user's data, so it can later be viewed in a read-only format using a regular browser (allowing you to just scrape calculated formula values instead of having to implement the formulas yourself). I could see that being useful to a user wanting to pull up a record years down the line as it was displayed when it was created.

Just fyi: On Firefox Mobile, the menu text (white) disappears into the background (white).

Thanks, will fix.

Looks good at first glance. What are the auth options? In an enterprisey context SSO can be quite important, and I feel like a lot of hosted apps could really benefit from some form of Active Directory integration.

Yeah, great question. Right now we support either username + password, or magic login links via email.

We've got login via SSO on the roadmap, both for social signon like Google Auth, and some of the more "enterprisey" options too!

If you’re doing customer portals you should probably get SAML 2 setup. That should pretty much answer all the enterprise sso questions.

Does this work with dynamic data and dynamic inputs in Sheets?

For example I have a sheet where users can enter in thing on custom inputs and it loads data from an API Into the spreadsheet.

I would like to replicate this functionality in an app.

All the functionality etc. from your sheet works exactly the same – so for example once a user submits a New Record form in Stacker, we'll show them the record with all the formulas computed directly from GSheets.

Also, if you've got Zapier attached to your Airtable/Sheet, then that'll still work fine too. People have done some pretty amazing things with the Zapier + Stacker + Airtable combo

What about charts? Does that also show up?

Good point, should have been more specific: all the data functionality still works (e.g. formulas, pivot tables).

Display stuff (charts, conditional formatting) etc. doesn't, although we are working on our equivalents to these.

Thanks. If you have that, please just take my money.

This is such a huge huge need. And guess what? I am a software engineer. I just don’t want to mess around with coding if I don’t have to.

Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all the services targeting this market? I've used Glide and find it "ok", and I'll try Stacker, but I'd love to see a "best" list...

What happens to my work if my need outlives your company?

Unfortunately, this is the risk of using any SaaS tool. You’ll still have all your data, of course.

Hi, how do you compare with appsheet or retool?

Hey –

So the big difference between us and Retool is who the users are and what for.

Retool is primarily bought by dev/product teams for building admin UIs on the side of their production DBs.

Most Stacker users are non-technical people in business roles, building operational tools on their spreadsheets. We've also got a much bigger focus on auth, login and making the experience work for external users.

We've not got much familiarity with using AppSheet, but I know a bunch of our customers moved to us from there. I believe they're pretty much mobile/tablet apps only.

I’m more interested in the really powerful no-code app builder you spent 2 years building! What happened to that bad boy?

Hey, where is the data processed? Possible to select UK, EU? and is it possible to sign a DPA with you?

Does it enable functionality where I register/signup for things ?

Like an Airbnb for example?

What about Stripe integration?

Yep, that’s one of the key use-cases. You can choose one of the tables in your base/sheet and that’s the users who can log in.

Umm.. actually. The other way. I want a user to come up to my site, register themselves and then fill a form.

Not a pre-defined set of logins.

The Airbnb/ecommerce usecase - where a logged in user "books" something would be simply awesome

Ah yes – we also support “Open Registration”, so new users can register.

Oh, and stripe integration coming soon!

Why not use a foxglove in the logo for Digitalis? Sorry, bike shedding, I know.

Just came here to point out the use of the Forrst logo in your demo app...

Your service looks really nice with a clean design. I will give it a try.

Best of luck

and there's also this hatchling trying to do the same thing https://pory.io

Looks like they launched in May this year.

I just feel like a got stuck in a metacircular sandtrap, did they use pory.io to make pory.io?

This is ffing wonderful, actually curious what the stack looks like, or is it just pories all the way down?

Congrats on the launch!

Nice stuff.

Check also out openasapp.com


I love spreadsheets, especially for crowdsourced information. One of my side project[1] is to gather informations from experiences expats to help new comers that set up in a new country/city. They are questions/answer you wished had known instead spending months/years figuring it out. The collaboration happens in google spreadsheet and it works wonderfully. We have 14+ cities now

If you have any experience in your city, feel free to fill the spreadsheet[2]

[1] https://travelhustlers.co/cityfaq/

[2] http://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-Lut4zmeDw9z-ikRJPH1n...

Really smart idea. Sometimes people think that there are no “standard questions”, but really we’re all human and need to /want to do a lot of the same stuff no matter where we are.

definitely! when we live in a city for 5+ years, we assume lot of basic questions are common knowledge.

but as someone who change country or city every few years, it would save me so much time, money and hassle to know all those "basics"

Very cool! I'd be happy to help with the NYC one (moved here from Canada about 5 years ago) but can't tell exactly where to edit the spreadsheet?

Thank you, I've added the NewYork sheet. if there is enough answer I'll publish the page in few hours ️


What did you use for building front end? Looks really neat.

appreciate! I'm not a front end guy so I take the compliment. I use plain HTML and bulma.io for the css

for the baackend it's just few lines of python (flask) reading the spreadsheet api and displaying it

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