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Have you ever actually had a discussion about building and running a business around the free software model where you GPL all your software and charge for services? It just doesn't compute with most people who consider themselves leaders in the software industry. Stallman is just a crazy whacko and his license unfit for serious business. That's the summary of the stance I've encountered most of the time.

I'm simply saying people don't take the free software movement seriously and if you as consumer advocates and developers get frustrated by this fact you don't need to invent a "GDPR for software interoperability" you just need to advocate for software that protects consumers. And you need to do so even in the face of uneducated and uncultured business leaders, which takes courage.

Which part of the GPL being focused on end users don't you understand?

The GPL was not created to help businesses, it was created to help end users, which for the most part means people with the know-how to understand software and improve on it or extend it for themselves.

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