I don't see how that's relevant to software project management. The ways we release software and plan out roadmaps don't really have much to do with what language or framework the software was made in. Just because Ember is "some JS framework" doesn't mean it has no good ideas.
To me it's really not about whether it's a good idea or not. What works for an 8-year-old project that has always done it that way, may not work for a 33-year-old project which has never done it that way. The latest perl will run a huge chunk of the perl 1.0 test suite unmodified. That's a long history of backwards compatibility. This sudden change in focus and project-management may really backfire on them.
> Just because Ember is "some JS framework" doesn't mean it has no good ideas.
No, but time-scales matter. A good idea in a notoriously short lived ecosystem is not necessarily transferable to an environment in which one has to maintain 20 or 30 year old, mostly write-only code.