why do mennonites and other such groups use low/deprecated technologies? partially due to religious creed, but also because when the electricity is gone, oil lamps still function, and horses dont need a petrol pump to keep running.
likewise many people are clinging to the local operating system rather than moving to the SAAS model.
so what happens if we lose the oldschool languages and platforms entirely, for whatever reason ?
if TBTF corporations are somehow hobbled or neutralized, we need old hand tools to build a tech newtopia from the rubble. if those tools are destroyed then we are beholden to a system that stands on very thin ice.
I would add to this that not all forward progress is necessarily good or well thought out. If there is value in an old thing that hasn't been unlocked yet, and it is lost to history, we become collectively worse for wear. Things like Lisp are old and pretty darn cool to have as an option.
I second the need to rebuild from the rubble is often overlooked, especially by corporations driven by profit centered goals.
likewise many people are clinging to the local operating system rather than moving to the SAAS model.
so what happens if we lose the oldschool languages and platforms entirely, for whatever reason ?
if TBTF corporations are somehow hobbled or neutralized, we need old hand tools to build a tech newtopia from the rubble. if those tools are destroyed then we are beholden to a system that stands on very thin ice.