This is a correlation without causation. The root cause of both fiat currency and the worker being ripped off, is globalization.
Fiat currency did not cause the disconnect between productivity and wages, the same way that the disconnect between productivity and wages did not cause fiat currency. They were both caused by the shift to a complex global economy.
And you're sure of this root cause analysis because ... ?
Also, if that's the root cause then surely you can point me to some correlation between "globalisation" and some measurable ills of the world? After all - causation does mean correlation.
Why not both? Why the debate here when clearly globalization and currency debasement has an impact on society. I'll go ahead and add technology to the list. Did the information age cause a disconnect between productivity and wages? Perhaps tech + globalization ensured that we have sort of a two tiered system in the west, where information workers have largely benefitted and seen their wages and quality of life go up...but there have not been corresponding booms in the manufacturing sector to support these developments because that labor has been outsourced to developing countries?