Given that, you school must be pushing hard to have regular school in the fall with student's at the school in classroom seats and in dorms. What will happen when the extremely likey covid19 spread leads to a sudden closing of your in-person schooling?
>What will happen when the extremely likely covid19 spread leads to a sudden closing of your in-person schooling?
Faculty are given the choice on whether to teach in-person, remote, or a hybrid.
It's the staff that aren't given a choice, and also aren't given an avenue to deal with concerns or questions.
So, the answer is, if there is spread on campus, the faculty will be told to go online, and staff will be told "you're safe, because there are no students now", much as we are being told today, in the current summer semester.
To quote the President from his most recent update for staff about enrollment, "Please join me in being part of the solutions to the many challenges we face now and in the very near future and refrain from the negativity and participation of those wanting to be part of the problem. That individual choice is yours. Please make it wisely."