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Also lets hope they acquire cursive ide too and offer it for free.

Clojure deserves an IDE for larger adoption.

Clojure has many free IDEs. Many people currently use Emacs w/CIDER, Atom w/Chlorine, Visual Studio w/Calva, Vim w/Fireplace, etc. For that matter, Cursive also has a free non-commercial edition.

I've found CIDER superior to Cursive for Clojurescript, specifically. I use a combination of IntelliJ (with the emacs keybindings) and emacs depending on which language I'm working with. Most of my projects involve two or more languages, so I'll usually have both editors open all day :)

As an aside, I'm starting to become a fan of Kotlin for backends (with some Clojure sprinkled in where it offers a big advantage), and Clojurescript (re-frame) for the frontend (because it offers a big win over javascript there). I've taken a step back from full Clojure for everything, being that I have to work with others who aren't as in to "alternative" languages as I am.

Datomic is something I probably won't mess with until (and if) it becomes open source.

Funny, I left Cider for Cursive a few years ago, because back then, Cursive had the better cljs support.

It's probably a result of my using shadow-cljs rather than figwheel. Cursive will catch up eventually, I'm sure.

Are there any screen casts out there showcasing the utility of CIDER? I guess I have just never been a big emacs guy so it felt sort of clumsy to me but I am probably just missing something. Could also be that I am just too familiar with the Cursive workflow.

Using Spring with Kotlin or other?

Yea, spring boot. When 90% of what you're doing on the backend is gluing a bunch of different Java technologies together, Clojure becomes hard to justify. Fortunately, mixing JVM languages together on the same project isn't a big deal so you can bring in some targeted Clojure where needed.

Kotlin is great because it's the closest thing to a general-purpose Java replacement I've seen. The interop support between Kotlin and Java is outstanding.

Thanks Alex.

Wishing you and your team many congratulations and kudos on this occasion.

ItelliJ w/Cursive too works great.

There's a free non-commercial license. If that's not enough, wouldn't they have to acquire IntelliJ too since they have a similar licensing model?

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