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Decentraleyes – Local CDN Emulation (decentraleyes.org)
222 points by thunderbong on July 9, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 80 comments

> To learn more, or to download and install the free browser extension:

Edit: After re-reading this multiple times, I don't think this wording is helpful. There should be a transparent description of what this extension offers before users navigate to download and install options.

You likely misread the sentence. It doesn't say "To learn more, download and install the free browser extension:" - it says, "To learn more, or to download and install the free browser extension:" and then provides you with links to the stores that contain the description for the extension:

> Websites have increasingly begun to rely much more on large third-parties for content delivery. Canceling requests for ads or trackers is usually without issue, however blocking actual content, not unexpectedly, breaks pages. The aim of this add-on is to cut out the middleman by providing lightning speed delivery of local (bundled) files to improve online privacy.

I agree that it's a very weird frontpage and means of describing an extension, but you don't need to run their code before reading what the extension does.

Thanks for clarifying for me. Updated my post.

Yeah, a little oddly worded. It's basically saying visit the Firefox/Chrome store to either download OR find out more about the add-on. I'm not sure why the website I'm on can't tell me more about it.. But I agree with the other poster in that you parsed the sentence incorrectly.

Agreed, I updated my post.

Yeah exactly... It just says how to install it. Not what it is or why it should want it ;)

It should have a description on their own site, not rely on one in an app store. I wouldn't even click on that until I'm convinced I want it.

In fact I didn't, I saw the page, was like "???" and then went to the comments here to read what this was about ;)

But yeah I always wondered what Google does with all these calls to the javascript libraries they're hosting... I bet they milk them for data somehow. It's a good effort but I'm not sure I'll install it as I already have so many plugins in Firefox that it constantly complains about slow startup.

I like the idea of the extension, but the implementation in lacking. According to the project's gitlab[1], there's only a dozen or so libraries are actually being served. It doesn't seem to cache google web fonts, for instance. Some sibling comments mentioned LocalCDN, which has more libraries and also includes fontawesome, but still lacks google fonts.

[1] https://git.synz.io/Synzvato/decentraleyes/-/tree/master/res...

We should all be turning off web fonts anyway.

Web fonts are no different from any other resource—you can easily serve them in privacy-friendly ways.

It would be nice to be able to specify that web fonts and other media elements come from the same site that serves the requested page.

Citation needed?

Let’s say 80% of websites load Google Fonts. Now Google knows 80% of your browsing history.

Wikimedia is hosting some now to help alleviate this: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23776786

Plus which, in the last decade I can remember exactly two instances where I was positively surprised by a custom font. All other times I didn't notice, would have preferred another font, or even opened up dev tools to revert the font. Given that the latter occurred more often than the instances where the custom font was a nice-to-have, I tend to agree that web fonts are just a lost cause, especially if it's (practically) a package deal with centralized tracking.

That suggests we should block Google Fonts, not disable web fonts entirely.

Google Fonts doesn't track the users, or associate the use with the user's account.

Says who? And why should i believe/trust that?

So the problem isn't Web fonts per se, it's using Web fonts from a CDN.

I feel like that's a little unfair; it's a first step, an MVP, no?

According to archive.org, it's been around for at least 6 years https://web.archive.org/web/20151204211651/https://addons.mo.... This is well past the time when you can use the "it's an MVP" excuse.

The extension is at least 3 years old (by the oldest review comment, I also remember trying it around 2 years ago) and has 130k installs. It's a little beyond an MVP. I guess they don't do telemetry (oh the irony) so they don't have a way to know which files are most reused across CDNs.

I run decentraleyes and I like it.

The only thing I wish for is to add my own entries.

The extension idea is really good but is does break some websites plus its really slowing down the browser, after removing it was like a breath of fresh air.

See also LocalCDN


Its a fork from decentraleyes with some more libraries included.

Interesting. However, not a part of the Recommended Extensions program. Decentraleyes is.

Very true, although I do like the addition of font awesome and preprepared ublock rules in the addon

It's a cool idea, even if just for performance reasons. So many things come from CDNs these days, we may as well start shopping the common ones ahead of time.

But recently I learned something unexpected. Lots of extensions are terrible with their resources. On a page targeting tech-savvy people, around 1% of requests has some extension content injected into the website which requests an external font file. (info comes from CSP reports) There's so much tracking opportunity exposed through them.

In recent years libraries haven't been used off CDN like this much but rather bundled, tree-shaken, and uploaded to a CDN with the library baked into a JavaScript app.

> "even if just for performance reasons"

I don't think it matters for performance because it's cached in the browser anyway... So the purpose of the extension is privacy.

I think most CDNs nowadays do not cache as much as you think because they are used for tracking.

I may be wrong, but I don't think the browser caches CDN requests, at least per site...

So this might be a performance gain too


The answer at that Stack Overflow question is seriously incomplete (and even it doesn’t say there’s no cache). Browsers today will, for the most part, cache CDN responses, not need to revalidate them, and share that cache across sites (though I think first-party isolation changes that to a per-site cache).

Yeah that's what I meant, I'm pretty sure it's isolated by each domain for privacy reasons.

* example.com -> GET cdnjs.com/jquery

* another.com -> GET cdnjs.com/jquery (not cached from example.com)

No caching of the CDN assets between sites within the browser, regardless of HTTP caching headers.

Stop. Go and look at the stack overflow. Then view source and look at the CDN links stack overflow uses.

Is your comment intended to be rude? Maybe more importantly: is intended to have a point?

This addon is also useful when traveling in China. Since everything Google is blocked by the Great Firewall, the Google CDN is, by extension, also blocked. This breaks a lot of sites that would otherwise be reachable. Since with Decentraleyes, no requests to CDNs need to be made, those sites will continue to work as expected.

After clicking through several more times and ending up in a gitlab wiki, this seems to be how it works:

> It comes bundled with a fair amount of commonly used files, and serves them locally whenever a site tries to fetch them from a delivery network.

The docs, both on the site that is linked to and on the wiki is extremely bare bones, but the gist of it is that a CDN can track you through the `referer` header of the request for (say) jquery, since even if the browser has jquery already cached it will send out a request to check if the resource might have been modified.

They can also track you by IP and other means... It is better to avoid CDNs if you can (mostly because they are so popular and centralized).

Would a simpler solution be to just drop referrers from CDN requests? It would probably require fewer updates to the package itself

Decentraleyes already does this.

> What does it do to protect me when it has no choice but to allow a request?

> Even if a resource is not locally available, Decentraleyes offers improved protection by stripping optional headers from intercepted CDN-requests. This keeps specific data, such as what page you are on, from reaching delivery networks. Whitelisting a domain does not affect this measure.


I'm not disagreeing, but without a referrer the request would go out anyway - with decentraleyes it doesn't at all.

I had a friend who worked at a CDN and they are basically huge tracking networks.

I've used Decentraleyes for a while now and it works great. I would actually like to see it—or more specifically, the idea—integrated into browsers. It would improve privacy, (potentially) security, and speed at the cost of disk space.

Was Opera's "Turbo" mode not a similar feature? A feature launched in the early mobile/late dail-up days. Albeit the proxy CDN was provided by Opera. It would take proxy JPEGs, compress them more, serve them from an edge node. It don't think it was marketed as a privacy feature but mostly bandwidth/speed. But in theory if you trust Opera, you'd get more privacy?

Opera Turbo was a bit different, I think, in that it used Opera servers as CDN and provided additional compression, while Decentraleyes uses your local file system as CDN without modifying the resources.

Given that Mozilla now has a proxy (VPN) service, that could be a nice tie-in indeed.

You don't want your VPN provider also unwrapping TLS.

So proxies intercepting your traffic are fine but VPN intercepting your traffic is not?

Of course, this should be super explicit and opt-in, but Mozilla is in a position where a lot of people would trust them (you can agree or disagree whether that trust is misplaced) and if the goal is privacy and/or saving bandwidth on poor connections, this could be very useful.

I was thinking the same but then browsers have caches and most of the CDNs (e.g. jsdeliver) set max-age to a year and immutable so you're only tracked once

For privacy reasons caches are per site these days. So even if you visit 1 page using a CDN and it is cached, if you visit a different website using the same CDN it will be downloaded again.

Ironically this degrades privacy as the CDN can track you everywhere..

> My browser caches downloaded CDN libraries, doesn't that protect my privacy?

> Sadly, no. Even if the file in question is stored inside of your cache, your browser might still contact the referenced Content Delivery Network to check if the resource has been modified.


Careful with performance if you're on an underpowered machine, as with all content injectors, it could provoke frequent freezes if you have a decent to large amount of tabs open.


I kind of wonder how effective these extensions are for js libraries since dependencies are often bundled into a single file. I have been using decentraleyes for a while and when I have spot checked it on occasion it hasn’t intercepted any requests on the page. I am assuming this is due to bundling.

From a security standpoint bundling is not an issue as no additional requests are made but from a speed and performance standpoint I don’t think there is much extensions like this or browser caching can do. It kind of makes me wish bundling wasn’t a thing now that we have QUIC/HTTP3 being adopted.

With all that said I am still glad to have this extension around.

Note that Decentraleyes appears to break some sites due to CSP and SRI issues. I uninstalled it months/years ago, but forgot which sites broke. The bug tracker link is at https://git.synz.io/Synzvato/decentraleyes/-/issues/16 .

According to their whitelist[1], cdnjs.com, dropbox.com, glowing-bear.org, minigames.mail.ru, report-uri.io, scotthelme.co.uk, securityheaders.io, stefansundin.github.io, udacity.com, yadi.sk, and yourvotematters.co.uk are known to have issues. For as long as I can remeber, you can also whitelist sites yourself.


Couldn’t the browser extensions modify response headers and HTML attributes to avoid CSP and SRI issues?

Decentraleyes, HTTPS everywhere, and uBlock Origin are the three set-it-and-forget-it extensions that everyone should have to improve their privacy.

Somewhat noob here. Would you suggest LocalCDN instead of Decentraleyes?

The whole maintainers and forks thingy between Decentraleyes and LocalCDN seems so strange to me that I'm left with more suspicious about which should I use, if I ever should use any given their both behavior regarding the forks. I don't feel "safe" to use something so critical privacy-wise in that situation.

EDIT: refs




What's strange about it? Decentraleyes isn't being maintained very actively. The author of LocalCDN found the pace too slow and forked to update things for themselves. They are very civil about it.

Another of the million huge enhancements that could be built natively into browsers if browsers weren’t intentionally stuck in the 90s by advertising/tracking companies.

I wonder when we’ll see a real browser alternative that includes no-brainer features like bundling the most common libraries in local forever-cache by SRI hash.

To summarize some of the limitations I’ve read in sibling comments:

– Recent trend appears to be bundling resources (e.g. Webpack) instead of using CDNs.

– This trend is complemented by browsers moving to per-site caches that limit the benefit of CDNs.

– Content-Security-Policy and/or Subresource Integrity restrictions can break some websites.

– Only a limited set of resources are included with Decentraleyes.

All that said, this is a really cool idea from both privacy and performance standpoints. Would love to see ways to address those limitations in the future.

Decentraleyes breaks sites that use subresource integrity, which is why I sadly needed to stop using it, until I find time to land a PR.

Just chiming in to say I think the name is brilliant and perfectly matched to such a software project.

I want this on a mobile browser too

If you use mobile Firefox, you can use any extensions you like.

So the banner on the plugin page saying it is for a different version is just a warning?

This extension is available for FF on Android

I find localcdn to be a better option, it's a fork of Decentraleyes.

Make sure to read the directions, though, to integrate properly with uBO/uMatrix.


I’ve been using this for years and it works a charm, It has my endorsement for sure.

Would be nice to see this published to the Microsoft Edge Addons store - https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons

Does this addon have any security implications when used in combination with uBlock or NoScript? If the JS is being injected, does that induce any risks of JS being executed when it should be blocked?

Blocking a resource has precedence over redirecting a resource. If your blocker blocks a resource, Decentraleyes or any other extension won't be able to redirect it.

I think it intercepts the requests to load from CDN and then loads it locally. The instructions for the extension tell you to whitelist the CDNs in uBlock/uMatrix. If you are blocking them then they won't load from Decentralyze either.

I’m pretty sure it works with ublock origin and umatrix. If the JS is blocked it won’t run. Not sure about NoScript though.

If it is taking third party resources and inlining them then this extension will be breaking the protections offered by the domain and JavaScript security model.

isn't your browser already caching these resources for you.

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