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BitWarden is better on the browser for me (it's been a while since I used KeePass*), but Keepass2Android is the best mobile password manager, bar none.

+1 for Keepass2Android.. my setup:

- Keepass db, stored in google drive with a memorized master passphrase - this brings password sync out-of-the-box

- G-Drive pulled down on all my PCs/laptops, with KeepassX used as the client

- Keepass2Android's G-Drive integration used on my phone - now made even more convenient with their "Quick Unlock" feature.

I've gone so far as to keep a separate db for payment info, though that one has a keyfile that I manage offline with a randomly-generated password, the password being stored in my password db.

I have found this setup very convenient over the years, and it offers peace of mind in knowing I'm not beholden to any online third parties to store this sensitive info.

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