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I didn’t downvote, but just to explain what I see here: you used negative value judgements with words like “cringe” and “pretentious”, and then your question assumes that HN articles must be about technology.

It’s worth re-reading the guidelines, because the definition of what’s invited and acceptable here is (and always has been) precisely that which hackers find interesting:

“On-Topic: Anything that good hackers would find interesting. That includes more than hacking and startups. If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity.”


Also, stories don’t get to the front page on their own. They get there when a lot of people upvote them. Since your insults are directed at the people that upvoted this, and are being read by the people that upvoted this and visited the comments section, downvotes are quite predictable. It’s perhaps a good idea to upvote the things you like, and visit those comment sections instead of complaining.

Why would I spend anymore time on this cringey lifestyle magazine? Site used to be alright. I've said my complaint, responded to you, and now I'm gone

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