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What classes would be a joke?

All courses offered at community colleges

I guess you're just woefully uninformed then. There are community college classes that could help with that.

Sorry, I've got better things to do.

What a sad, arrogant little individual you are.

Seeing as they still count for course credit, I don't think Harvard considers them to be jokes. I will take the highly paid accreditors at Harvard's opinion over yours, sorry mate.

You have no clue what you’re talking about. Research more before claiming that they count for course credit

I've taken classes at community colleges and I have a degree from an Ivy League school. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the community college classes, and I learned a great deal from them. I don't know where you got the chip on your shoulder, but I hope no one reads your words and gets the mistaken impression that community college is somehow lesser.

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