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Fork is wonderful, a well-designed and performant Git GUI, native on each platform (Windows and macOS).


I bought a license a while back, since I use it every day. That said, I believe they're moving towards a "trial" model, rather than "free" as in beer.

I do wish it was open sourced, but also wish them the best in making it a profitable venture. It's great software, it deserves good funding so the creators and users can benefit from it.

Do you happen to know how Fork compares with Tower (https://www.git-tower.com)? I've been a Tower user for quite some time and like it, but I'm always interested in better options.

I don't have any experience with Tower, other than having heard the name. From their feature description, I can say that Fork does not have multi-user or team management functionality, if that's important for your use case.

I'd recommend giving it a trial run. For me it ticks all boxes for personal and professional use, I'm very happy with it. The managing of a large number of repos could be better, but I do OK with a single "hub" folder to keep all repos, with nested folders and symlinks.

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