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Well, it is the register, which I am surprised would be popular on a site like this. Regardless, google is pushing back the release date. Its their prerogative to do so. Not sure why this matters to 99.9999% of the population who will never look at the source or install a custom ROM, etc.

Not to mention there are several versions of android. There's the public version which is a little behind. There's the cutting edge version that members of the OHA get and if they follow their contract they get google-branded apps (gmail, youtube, maps, market, etc).

Dunno, seems much ado about nothing. They didn't give market access or gmail branded apps to the previous garbage tablets released so far. This is just google trying to stop this wave of horrible half-assed tablets from destroying the android tablet market. It may be too late, but leaving dozens of manufacturers selling non-capacitive touch screen based tablets with seriously underpowered specs on buggy software that was never meant to run on a non-phone is hurting the brand.

Expecting the "market" to work itself out is having a little too much faith in markets and consumers imho. Brand damage is real and is helping sink Android into the tech ghetto.

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