In these days, Europe easily outspends Russia and it's army IS bigger.
The F-35 is also better than the Su-57 and Russia has no 5th generation fighter :)
Besides that, Russias naval fleet is stuck behind Ukraine. I don't think they like that :)
Well that's some Marketing blabla, same as that Generation blabla..AND Russia says that the Su-57 is 5th Gen ;)
Oh and the US is not sure if the F35 is really a 5th gen jet (because lack of supercruise) but the F-22 is one.
In these days, Europe easily outspends Russia and it's army IS bigger.
The F-35 is also better than the Su-57 and Russia has no 5th generation fighter :)
Besides that, Russias naval fleet is stuck behind Ukraine. I don't think they like that :)