"On Thursday, the company said that as its select partners release the first tablets based on Android "Honeycomb" – the latest version of its mobile operating system – it will not open source the Honeycomb code."
And "But there was no indication that the code wouldn't be promptly open sourced as the first devices were released. What's more, Google did not make a public announcement that it will keep the source closed. "
I'd be surprised if Google has manged to rid every last piece of GPL'd software from the OS. Otherwise, they're going to have to release the source.
> I'd be surprised if Google has manged to rid every last piece of GPL'd software from the OS. Otherwise, they're going to have to release the source.
They have to release source to the GPL parts (WebKit, the kernel and stuff that links directly to it, like drivers and possibly other stuff they use). From their glibc-like Bionic and up (including the userland, Dalvik), everything is BSD-style and they have no obligation whatsoever to release anything. Not even to manufacturers.
"On Thursday, the company said that as its select partners release the first tablets based on Android "Honeycomb" – the latest version of its mobile operating system – it will not open source the Honeycomb code."
And "But there was no indication that the code wouldn't be promptly open sourced as the first devices were released. What's more, Google did not make a public announcement that it will keep the source closed. "
I'd be surprised if Google has manged to rid every last piece of GPL'd software from the OS. Otherwise, they're going to have to release the source.
Check here for updates http://source.android.com/