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There is a right way to do this which minimizes the issues, but it's counter-intuitive: reflect the negative aspects of The_Donald.

It's called "closed loop hypocrisy" and the theory is that all negativity or opposition is inherently hypocritical (given we are all very similar in the end). But being hypocritical does not mean opposition is bad, if anything the issue is long loop hypocrisy where someone pretends to be righteous when really it's just hypocrisy with extra steps.

Most people solve problems with long loop hypocrisy and those who support them can easily choose to overlook the hypocrisy by focusing on the convoluted steps and rhetoric in between. Meanwhile, it's obvious to those being attacked just how hypocritical they are.

In contrast, closed loop hypocrisy is about applying the form of negativity to itself. It seems kind of dumb, but that's the point: to show how dumb X form of negativity is directly to X form of negativity.

It's a form of inception and it's hard to pull off, but there is a better way.

"closed loop hypocrisy" sounds intriguing and is exactly the kind of counter-intuitive idea I'm drawn to.

I'm not sure I entirely follow your explanation and Google is not bringing up much. Do you have a link to a longer explanation of some kind?

I do not. It's a theory a friend and I philosophized about for a while in college, but nothing published.

If you'd like to check our work though, play with proving/disproving the following:

1. All negativity/opposition is inherently hypocritical

2. Negativity/opposition is necessary

3. Your opposition will always focus more on your negative differences than your negative similarities

4. Focusing on similarities is the only way to truly resolve conflict.

I'm sitting here thanking God for people like you because what you've just described sounds IDEAL.

I firmly believe the best way to resolve all this is not censorship but by shining that light as brightly as possible.

I wonder what a workable version of this looks like?

I have some hazy concepts around it. I suspect very humble inception.

Something like having the other person think they're better than you for having less of their flaws than you do. Sort of a reverse psychology type of thing, but with more potential for doing harm.

To be able to do it, one would have to first heal their ego I think. Be able to look like a jackass and not let it get to their head.

There's a metaphysical "law" that holds that when there's some quality in the other person that ticks you off especially, if you search yourself you'll find that it's a quality you also have, don't like about yourself, and are unaware of.

On a phone so can't type at length but I actually agree with you on some of this.

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