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You think a government can make inequality go away? Please give us one example

That's a straw man, nobody asked that inequality should go completely away.

The question is rather what is a healthy level of inequality and should the government work on increasing inequality.

Most people under estimate the amount of inequality in the US, this [1] is an awesome video illustrating it. Also there is some interesting research on modelling inequality as a phase change process and that there exist some point of no return after which inequality only increases towards a oligarchy/plutogarchy without a revolution type event [2]

[1] https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM [2] https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-inequality-ine...

Sure, the Soviet Union. A government literally made inequality go away with the stroke of a pen. Ideal, of course not. Recommended? Definitely not. However, it's clear and self-evident that the US government allows wealthy people to keep their wealth. A wealth tax would solve that problem, for instance. Again, without advocating, I'm just saying that wealth and wealth inequality exist at the whim of the ruling class. I'm not sure I could come up with a counter-example that didn't involve a contrived crypto-ancap utopia.

The fact that income and wealth inequality are different in different countries is proof in and of itself.

> A government literally made inequality go away with the stroke of a pen.

This is an _incredibly_ rose-tinted view of the Soviet Union. I would suggest researching Waldsiedlung as a starting point.

Why would that be rose-tinted? I believe in the value of inequality, to a point. Where I disagree with the status quo is I don't think the top end should be effectively unlimited, and I think the bottom end should be a lot higher.

However to say that government policy can't substantially reduce inequality is patently absurd. The government has the power to take things from people, every year, in taxes.

> Sure, the Soviet Union. A government literally made inequality go away with the stroke of a pen.

You have no idea what you're talking about, just stop. Source: born in USSR

Easily? The US government has the capability to do massive wealth redistribution very easily in a couple of weeks if they wanted to.

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