This looks really amazing! I particularly like that it makes good use of the width of an ultra-wide screen.
While I wouldn't want it to replace the actual hackernews layout, I can really see it shine for discovering interesting articles whose headlines alone do not tell me enough to identify them as interesting (seems perfect for Friday afternoons).
One suggestion: I would appreciate more visual hints to indicate which images and texts belong together. When I scroll down the site and something catches my eye, it takes me a bit of looking around to be sure where to read for the corresponding text. Slightly larger margins and/or vertical and/or horizontal lines between the articles might help to make it feel more convenient.
Thanks for the suggestion! I added some more whitespace and some horizontal rules, what do you think of it now? (Please feel free to tell me it still looks terrible!)
While I wouldn't want it to replace the actual hackernews layout, I can really see it shine for discovering interesting articles whose headlines alone do not tell me enough to identify them as interesting (seems perfect for Friday afternoons).
One suggestion: I would appreciate more visual hints to indicate which images and texts belong together. When I scroll down the site and something catches my eye, it takes me a bit of looking around to be sure where to read for the corresponding text. Slightly larger margins and/or vertical and/or horizontal lines between the articles might help to make it feel more convenient.