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Most of the reviews of the Xoom noted some lack of polish but I don't recall any massive problems that would suggest Honeycomb is simply too unstable/feature incomplete to be released.

Sure, and as a traditional F/OSS advocate, I generally do believe in the "release early / release often" philosophy, and I'm a little bit disappointed that Google are holding the code back. I'm just saying that I don't see it as being a "Big Deal" (tm).

Some of the articles and comments about this are painting it like this huge, terrible affront to the F/OSS world and act like Google somehow magically went from "friends of F/OSS" to "the Devil incarnate" because of this. And I think that's a little silly. So they want to finish merging some things and get it cleaned up, etc., whatever. I - personally - am fine with allowing them the time to do that. Sure it would be nice to have the code right now, but let's not break out the tar and feathers just yet.

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