"Reflection enables us to correct distortions in our beliefs and errors in problem-solving." - Jack Mezirow, Columbia University.
I felt so stupid. As a self-taught engineer, I felt I needed to stay on top of everything online, driven by constant reading. But what's the use if I don't remember anything?
This is a Chrome extension that assists your memory on the premise of spaced repetition. It tracks articles read, and give you a daily report.
- Daily report with read time
- Memory from the old similar articles
- Automating 81 taggings
- Article/book suggestions
- Web interface for search
- Friends' update
As usual with anything that isn't open source, I have significant doubts about the longevity of this. Making a few questions on each article and putting them in Anki is probably more effective and also pretty much certain to still work in a few years time, for free.
I used Anki before and that is definitely useful for vocabularies or studying for exams.
To give a context, I read about 10 articles every day. Some users do for 40 a day. At that point, Kaffae becomes more useful as a general reflection. Either way, there's nothing stopping people from using both as it fits their need.
I felt so stupid. As a self-taught engineer, I felt I needed to stay on top of everything online, driven by constant reading. But what's the use if I don't remember anything?
This is a Chrome extension that assists your memory on the premise of spaced repetition. It tracks articles read, and give you a daily report.
- Daily report with read time - Memory from the old similar articles - Automating 81 taggings - Article/book suggestions - Web interface for search - Friends' update