No, the numbers are pretty accurate. In most of the cases I've run into, Perl is faster than Python for its operations. Some trivial examples[1] showed up on HN a few weeks ago, about how this person "optimized" python, by eventually replacing python with C.
As for the nested complex data structures, Perl's been doing that forever (e.g. since 5.x started). And its trivial to use.
That's one of the nicer aspects of Perl. Things you think should work, often, just do. And work the way you want them to. It's not perfect. It is very, very good though.
As for the nested complex data structures, Perl's been doing that forever (e.g. since 5.x started). And its trivial to use.
That's one of the nicer aspects of Perl. Things you think should work, often, just do. And work the way you want them to. It's not perfect. It is very, very good though.