PHP 5 felt like two distinct languages - PHP 4 and Java parts. PHP 4 was ok for its tasks, Java parts bolted on top, very unnatural, no continuation. In essence community was subverted. Other prominent examples - pulse audio and systemd. Compare it with Perls "bless" - looks so elegant and natural.
Some people do not buy that change, stick to origins and it makes sense. There was a conference talk "most programmers don't change their habits, wait until they die". It takes many years to burn and bury those who remember. It is said Moses wandered with his people for 40 years (until no those who were slaves left).
If Java was bolted on top of Ruby today I would not stay. At least because Java is better than Java bolted on Ruby.
You have valid point - stuck in the middle there is no way but forward, burn the past. They have point - someone destroyed the language they liked and you is one of them. No one shames bash scripts for lack of engineering principles, unit testing etc. Please do not disrespect them, it is not their fault.
PHP 5 felt like two distinct languages - PHP 4 and Java parts. PHP 4 was ok for its tasks, Java parts bolted on top, very unnatural, no continuation. In essence community was subverted. Other prominent examples - pulse audio and systemd. Compare it with Perls "bless" - looks so elegant and natural.
Some people do not buy that change, stick to origins and it makes sense. There was a conference talk "most programmers don't change their habits, wait until they die". It takes many years to burn and bury those who remember. It is said Moses wandered with his people for 40 years (until no those who were slaves left).
If Java was bolted on top of Ruby today I would not stay. At least because Java is better than Java bolted on Ruby.
You have valid point - stuck in the middle there is no way but forward, burn the past. They have point - someone destroyed the language they liked and you is one of them. No one shames bash scripts for lack of engineering principles, unit testing etc. Please do not disrespect them, it is not their fault.