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There are a lot of modules and historical code stuck in old paradigms, but those are useful in their own way for backwards compatibility. There's also newer Perl modules that see heavy use, like Type::Tiny, Mojolicious, etc. We do a lot of internal web-apps with Mojolicious at work, and our larger ones make heavy uses of websockets, async code, and in some cases Vue.js.

> The ORM and drivers for both postgresql and sqlite don't even support most of the features added in those systems since 2014.

The popular ORMs for Perl (DBIx::Class, etc) are fairly DB agnostic, so work with Postgres, MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, etc. You aren't likely to see specific features for one DB in them because of that. What you gain is a consistent and advanced interface for interacting with databases which is mostly the same regardless of the back-end for that project.

There are newer, specialized modules such as Pg or Mojo::Pg to give you specific Postgres capabilities or to enable a more asynchronous model if that's what you're looking for.

Sounds like you had some bad experiences, and that sucks. Nobody will blame you for "jumping ship", but I would suggest you not think of it necessarily like that. You learn and code what you have to for work, and you learn and you code what you feel like or you think gives the most benefit personally. Those naturally change over time for a lot of people, and sometimes they are the same sets of items, and sometimes they aren't. If you ever want to play around with Perl again, even just for fun, it's there for you. It's not going anywhere. Perl doesn't have to be the language you write to make a living, or even the first one you reach for for certain projects, but it might still be a good option for some things, and there's no reason to discount it entirely if you still know how to use it and can find a use case for it.

For example, even if I stop using Perl primarily for development, I'm pretty sure it's going to be the tool I reach for when I need to quickly process some data for the foreseeable future. Just the fact I can pull in anything from CPAN to supplement a one-liner (or a one liner I've copied into a file and formatted to turn into a small script) makes it invaluable over just awk and sed.

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