> Clojure has other weaknesses which become apparent rapidly.
Clojure has lots of strengths which also become apparent the more you works with it: async, thread-first, thread-last, transducers, core.logic, (partial f a), flexible composition, expressive-ness unrivaled in Dayjob language, hundreds of functions that just work on whatever data you're dealing with, tapping into java "dayjob" libraries without having to deal in actual java. The list goes on.
I've re-written a few applications & libraries from javascript (and other dayjob languages) -> clojure(script). In every case, the lines of code drastically dropped, the functionality expanded, the readability improved, and performance was always on par or better. It's not a silver bullet for everything, but its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. Like any good mind-expanding drug/language.
> Clojure learning will leave you yearning.
It has been my experience with learning clojure that with each new problem, it has left me yearning ... to learn the more elegant, composable, flexible, robust solution ... in clojure! YMMV.
Clojure has lots of strengths which also become apparent the more you works with it: async, thread-first, thread-last, transducers, core.logic, (partial f a), flexible composition, expressive-ness unrivaled in Dayjob language, hundreds of functions that just work on whatever data you're dealing with, tapping into java "dayjob" libraries without having to deal in actual java. The list goes on.
I've re-written a few applications & libraries from javascript (and other dayjob languages) -> clojure(script). In every case, the lines of code drastically dropped, the functionality expanded, the readability improved, and performance was always on par or better. It's not a silver bullet for everything, but its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. Like any good mind-expanding drug/language.
> Clojure learning will leave you yearning.
It has been my experience with learning clojure that with each new problem, it has left me yearning ... to learn the more elegant, composable, flexible, robust solution ... in clojure! YMMV.