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Hi Vlad,

what BI tools currently can connect to QuestDB for ad-hoc reporting (without need to write SQL queries by hands)? I guess popular solutions like Tableau/PowerBI doesn't support QuestDB.

Is there a demand for BI tools that can use QuestDB as a data source? I'm asking about that because we can add a connector for QuestDB to our BI tool (SeekTable) with a little effort, but this has sense only if someone really will use it.

I cannot talk for the whole industry, but I know for sure, that I (working in BigData / OnlineMarketing) was looking for exactly this recently: A BI tool that is agile and a database that is fast. I ended up with Tableau Server and ClickHouse (which is impressivly fast). Problem was: Tableau does not really support CH and Tableau is not that agile. So to answer your question: Yes. If QuestDB is that fast, there is a demand.

JFYI SeekTable already has a connector for ClickHouse :) it works over native binary protocol (with connection-level compression). Since you have control over SQL query and SQL expressions used for dimensions/measures ClickHouse SQL-dialect is not a problem.

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