I ditched my Windows PC when Apple moved to Intel. I will ditch my MacBook when it uses ARM.
Not dogma, just practical. I'm a `nix SW Dev and require the 95% of code that works on AMD64 run on my machine. Odd to see MS now supporting more `nix. What we (many SW Devs) need is `nix + AMD64 for the foreseeable future.
Furthermore I do not trust Apple. The advent of the iPhone software lock-in echo-system shows where they want to take Macs and that is just a no starter for me.
I don't think that's quite a given. I don't think Apple has changed as much as you're implying. When OSX was first released, even though it was Unix-based, most people were pretty confident it wouldn't ship with a Terminal. Apple has always been very opinionated and strongly biased towards a user-facing experience. "Techies" have always been a bit skeptical of what Apple may do and should continue to be.
Linux already has a very healthy ecosystem on ARM with Raspberry Pi and others. Heck, it had a healthy ecosystem back in the day on PPC with thins like Yellowdog Linux. I don't think an ARM transition will change this part as much as people think. You've always needed to recompile for macOS.
Not dogma, just practical. I'm a `nix SW Dev and require the 95% of code that works on AMD64 run on my machine. Odd to see MS now supporting more `nix. What we (many SW Devs) need is `nix + AMD64 for the foreseeable future.
Furthermore I do not trust Apple. The advent of the iPhone software lock-in echo-system shows where they want to take Macs and that is just a no starter for me.
Bye-bye Apple.