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Copying a branch of a DAG has about the same meaning as copying a branch of a tree, right?

For a DAG, maybe, but it requires a lot more bookkeeping. Now you have to remember all the pointers you've seen before in order to detect dupes. To do that you probably need a hash map and some dynamic memory allocation, ugh.

And what happens if you copy two different branches of one message into another, and they happen to share some children? Do you have to keep your seen-pointer map around across multiple copies?

For a cyclic graph, things get more confusing. Copying one branch of a fully-connected cyclic graph always means copying the entire graph. Apps can easily get into trouble here. Imagine an app that implements its own tree structure where nodes have "parent" pointers. If they try to copy one branch into another message, they accidentally copy the entire tree (via the parent pointers) and might not even realize it.

The one way that I think pointer aliasing could be made to work is if pointers that are allowed to alias are specially-marked, and are non-owning. So each object still has exactly one parent object, but might have some other pointers pointing to it from elsewhere. A copy would not recurse into these pointers; it would only update them if the target object happened to be part of the copy, otherwise they would have to become null.

But I haven't yet had any reason to try implementing this approach. And apps can get by reasonably well without it, by using integer indexes into a table.

This problem (persistent graph structures) has been solved since the 90s: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

This isn't a question of finding a magical solution, it's a question of trade-offs in performance, complexity, and usability that any solution necessarily imposes, and whether those trade-offs are worth it to support a feature that 99% of use cases don't need.

"Skyscrapers have been solved since the 20's" doesn't answer whether I should use steel beams when building a house.

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