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Silicon Valley startups are pretty much, hey what do you want as far as laptop specs go? At my company new hires can pretty much order anything they want (which is mostly MacBook Pro max CPU and RAM) and one or more monitors, no issue. Heck we have one or two crazy people with Windows laptops :) Old employees are welcome to refresh at 2 years no issues. I am on my 3rd laptop in 5 years. In my case I travel so I have swapped MacBook Pro for a MacBook then a MacBook Air. I have the same Apple 4K LG on my desk at home and work paid for by the company. Same mechanical keyboards also.

This is pretty typical here.

Heck we swap build servers every 6-12 months based on test speed. We buy one of every new CPU and do a test run of auto build and ptest. If it is reasonably faster we order a new rack and replace the old boxes. Power and cooling is way more $$ then the HW. Every month we do not need a new cage is a win. We are deploying AMD Epyc now with 10G-T + 4x1G (not network limited in our test, just segmentation to test DUTs) with a core of 100G for fileservers and 25G for services. File servers are TrueNAS SSD shelves for test and with spinning rust for build artifacts. We run ~1000 containers on a single server in ptest (scaling that was fun to figure out ... hint you have to play with networking stack ARP timers - strace is your friend).

Big companies too. It’s too important not to. I’ve been in companies where employees constantly complain about their machines, and it legitimately causes people to leave their jobs. I’ve seen people offer to buy their own laptop, if they were just allowed to use it.

In a place where talent is as competitive as the bay, you wouldn’t survive making people use subpar machines.

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